TeamUp's 2023 recap

Danielle Easton
6 min read
2023 was a busy year at TeamUp HQ. From feature releases, webinars, and downloadable guides, here you'll find a recap of our top highlights and achievements.

2023 was a busy year at TeamUp HQ. From feature releases, webinars, and downloadable guides, here you'll find a recap of our top highlights and achievements.

📸 We take a look at everything we implemented to help you run your business as smoothly as possible. Read on for a month by month review, with links to our resources that will help you continue to grow 🚀

Our highlights by quarter

✨Q1 breakdown

TeamUp's top feature releases of Q1 2023

We kicked off 2023 with a new membership holds report in January, helping you keep track of active, scheduled, and past memberships. Next, we announced our integration with Gympass, allowing you to instantly sync your TeamUp venues and classes, as well as grow your audience by offering your classes on Gympass. We held a special session on How to use TeamUp and Gympass to reach new audiences and showed you how to build your business your way with TeamUp's APIs.

Watch our webinar for How to use TeamUp and Gympass to reach new audiences

In February, we introduced our mastery webinar series with the first of an impressive seven webinar sessions hosted by fitness entrepreneur Staci Alden. This pilot session offered top tips for Mastering your offering for 2023 and beyond. Towards the end of the month, Fiona, our VP of Product, walked us through pay rates in a special webinar What's new with TeamUp: Pay Rates, and we had a session with Katie Bell, founder of Thrive Health and Wellness Business Coaching, on How to start a fitness business podcast.

We hosted two more webinars in March, the first on Empowering women in fitness with TeamUp and WIFA with Sharnae Ellis from WIFA, and What's new with TeamUp: the Custom Branded App, outlining exactly what you need to integrate TeamUp's core features with customizable modules that enhance your members’ experience while delivering the entire member journey under your brand. 

Didn't know about our Custom Branded App? Take a look at what it can do and schedule a demo where we'll answer all your questions!


Grow your business with TeamUp's Custom Branded App


✨Q2 breakdown

TeamUp's top feature releases of Q2 2023

In April, we enjoyed a mastery session on Mastering Automation to save you time in your day to day, followed by steps to planning successful outdoor classes in Mastering Outdoor Programming in May. Later in the month, Katie SantosCEO of Fitness HR & Katie Santos Consulting and former Pilates Method Alliance VP, shared some solid advice in Tools and Techniques to Building a Solid Team

Learn the secrets to successful outdoor classes in Staci's webinar

📽️ June was a big month for webinars: Staci was back with Mastering Business Relationships, and father daughter duo Sal and Sarah Pellegrino, both fitness and wellness experts, shared insights on tailoring your business strategy to cater to all generations in 4 Gens by 2 Gens: How to Drive Four Generations to Your Gym. Money Whisperer and Financial Wellness expert Nina Israel taught us how to protect ourselves and our business in How To Catch A Thief. We shared the ultimate guide to help you enjoy a stress-free summer break and introduced Community Happiness: the best way to handle customer reviews and manage your online reputation, with dedicated webinar What's new with TeamUp: Community Happiness.


Manage your online reputation with Community Happiness 


✨Q3 breakdown

TeamUp's top feature releases of Q3 2023

In July, we launched SMS notifications 📲 in Spain, France, Germany, Ireland, Netherlands and Australia, and gave your Calendar a fresh new look. Check Ins was the new tool that lets you check in customers that arrive on site and track and log their attendance - even any sneaky ones who show up without a booking 😉

stay on top of who visits your facility - even when customers haven't booked an appointment

August saw the rolling out of our SMS Notifications feature in the UK 🇬🇧, as well as our Block Customer tool that enables you to instantly prevent individual members from booking classes, appointments, and courses. We looked at Mastering Community Building as a means to innovate new strategies and try different approaches to grow your client base, and Mastering Attendance Management helped ensure you make full use of the space you have available and the number of people enjoying your services, both with Staci. We gave you 4 hacks to make you work smarter, not harder and Pilates professional and former studio owner Stella Hull-Lampkin gave us a crash course in Marketing Your Pilates Business

 Instantly prevent individual members from booking classes, appointments, and courses with the Block Customer tool


In September, we saw our Community Happiness feature gain even more traction and shared a case study Flexible Software that Grows with You with Charlotte Price, owner of Hunt Fitness in the UK. We brought you the September Accelerator Kit complete with 10 ideas to prepare you and your business for the September rush, and held a session on Mastering the Planning, Marketing & Execution of Fitness Challenges.


✨Q4 breakdown

TeamUp's top feature releases of Q4 2023

October was a particularly busy month with
a brand new home page, header, footer menu, and My Account section on the Customer Site. We rolled out SMS Notifications to customers in Canada 🇨🇦, developed a brand-new Notes feature that lets you leave notes that are only visible to you and your team, and added a status count summary in each class, allowing you to see the number of registrations, attendances, no-shows, late-cancels, and waitlist spots at a glance.

We chatted to Left Hand Muay Thai, a young gym in LA, about why they think TeamUp is the Stress-free Solution to Launch Your Fitness Business. Speakers Shan Alphin, Karen Grinter, and Laura Monk showed us how to Power up your Pilates Business, and, last but not least, we shared a guide on Creating your own Fitness Challenge to boost member motivation and grow your client base.

Leave private messages between you and your staff using Notes

November saw modifications to the Pay Rates feature. Pay Rates V1 focused on rates per customer and per hour, while V2 was tiered per customer rates, enabling you to offer segmented calculations based on session attendances, incentivizing your staff to fill up their classes and bring in more revenue. Our guide Generating Income with Retreats and Events contained top strategies and ideas to help you bring in extra income.

Generate Extra Income with Retreats and Events

Our December gift to you was some slick updates to the Customer Site Schedule, complete with a brand new calendar design and side navigation filters to help your customers find their favorite events quickly and easily. We also shared a downloadable guide on How to Nail Your Fitness Business Pricing Strategy.

Other achievements in 2023

TeamUp was featured in multiple publications including Club Solutions, Club Industry, Ausleisure, Business Wire, and IHRSA. We also received several awards including Most Implementable product, High Performer, and Momentum Leader Fall 2023.

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What’s in store for 2024?

We have many exciting features in the pipeline! This month, the US 🇺🇸 joined the list of countries enjoying SMS notifications (that's the UK, Germany, Spain, France, Ireland, Netherlands, and Canada). We've just announced our new Broadcast SMS feature, available in all SMS supported countries, that lets you send custom SMS messages about key updates and reminders to customers registered for a session. We've posted an article discussing the top trends for the year ahead and another by Staci Alden on ideas to help you incorporate them into your facility. If that wasn't enough, our January downloadable guide is bursting with 20+ strategies to help you monetize these trends

Get your hands on our guide to leveraging the top fitness trends for 2024 here!

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Watch this space for much, much more! 👀


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