Tap into a new audience by offering your classes on Gympass

3 min read
Want to fill your open spots? Integrate your TeamUp account with Gympass, and reach thousands of new customers instantly.

Want to fill your open spots? Integrate your TeamUp account with Gympass, and reach thousands of new customers instantly.

Our new integration with Gympass allows you to sync your TeamUp venues and classes to Gympass instantly.

Gympass is an all-in-one subscription service that brings members a large selection of gyms, studios, and apps. Their exclusive corporate model allows businesses to create more affordable fitness plans for employees. Currently, they have over 6,000 members.

To learn more about how Gympass works and how it can benefit your business, click here to watch our webinar with Gympass.

By partnering with Gympass, you'll be able to increase your visibility and open the door to thousands of potential customers, allowing you to fill your open spots and increase your revenue.

Gympass integration TeamUp

Keep reading to find out how to connect your TeamUp account with Gympass in just a few quick steps!

How to integrate TeamUp with Gympass

First, you'll need to create a Gympass account. Gympass offers partners a no strings attached agreement, so you will always be able to use their platform without any commitment. If you still need to get a Gympass account, contact them to sign up

1. Connect TeamUp with Gympass and sync your venues

To integrate your TeamUp account with Gympass, head to Settings >> Integrations, and click 'Get Started' under Gympass.

Integrations page on TeamUp. The 'Get Started' button under Gympass is highlighted.

Next, you'll be prompted to enter a Gympass Gym ID under each one of the TeamUp venues you want to sync to Gympass. For instructions on how to find your Gym ID from your Gympass account, please see this guide. Finally, click 'Connect'. Then, you'll be redirected to the Integrations page.

TeamUp-Gympass integration page. This page shows a list of your TeamUp venues and a field to enter a Gympass Gym ID under each one.

2. Sync your classes 

Now it's time to choose which classes you want to offer on Gympass. On the Integrations page, select 'Options - Manage'.

The integrations page on TeamUp, with the Gympass options menu open.

On the next page, you'll see a list of all available classes per location/venue. The venues you synced with Gympass in the first step will display checkboxes that allow you to select which classes you'd like to sync.

The classes you choose to sync to Gympass by venue will be bookable for up to 14 days in advance. The registration close and cancellation cutoff settings you configure in TeamUp will be synced to Gympass.

TeamUp-Gympass integration. This page shows a list of synced venues with classes under each. There is a checkbox next to each class.

And you're done! After a few minutes, your selected classes will become available to thousands of members on the Gympass customer site.

How to manage Gympass attendance 

With the integration, there's no need to check Gympass and TeamUp - you can manage and track Gympass attendances straight from TeamUp.

When a customer signs up for one of your classes via Gympass, they'll be automatically created as a customer in TeamUp. You'll be able to find them on your Customer List just like you would any other customer.

Customer List page on TeamUp. There is a search box and status, membership, venue and instructor filters at the top. Below, there is a list of customers.

The customer will also be listed on the class attendee list on your Calendar.

Gympass attendees are marked as having registered via Gympass, as seen below, so you'll be able to differentiate them easily from other attendees.

TeamUp class on the business Calendar. The list shows a customer who booked via Gympass and two that booked via TeamUp.

The main difference between Gympass attendees and other attendees is that Gympass customers need to check into the class via the Gympass app. 

Once the customer has checked in via Gympass and you have checked off their attendance in TeamUp, Gympass will trigger the payment to your Gympass account for that registration.

You can see at a glance from the attendee list if the customer has checked into class via the Gympass app. The status pill under the customer's name will let you know if the check-in is pending, validated, or if there has been an error. For more information on these statuses, check out our support guide.

Tracking registrations and attendance

You can easily keep track of the registrations you're getting via Gympass from your Attendances Report in TeamUp.

Here, you'll be able to filter by booking source to see which registrations were made from Gympass, as seen below.

TeamUp Attendances report filtered by booking source Gympass.

TeamUp Attendances report showing Gympass attendees in a chart.

To find further guides and help in setting up your Gympass integration, check out our Gympass overview setup guide here

If you're interested in learning about more opportunities to share your classes and reach new audiences, check out our guide here on fitness marketplaces

Thanks for reading and stay tuned for updates! 

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