Membership Management Software
Stay organized, professional, and personal with memberships
How can a membership system help me grow my fitness business?
Offer class packages that work for all your clients' schedules.
Flexible memberships give you control over your classes.
Recurring memberships
Take payments on a schedule that you define. Offer options and different levels to match your business. Schedule your payments to fit your overhead requirements.
Increased commitment
Members who commit get results. Help your customers attend more classes to get the best from your studio.
Control every aspect of payments. With direct debit and credit card payments, your customers never have to take out their wallets at the studio.
Protect your cash flow with minimum cancellation notice periods and contracts. Customize contracts or find upsell opportunities with complete flexibility.
Make every interaction with your members a pleasure. A customer-centric business makes it easy to spend and attend.
When we opened Optimal Sports Performance, we wanted to make sure we had a membership system in place to make our life a lot easier. TeamUp has given us that and more.

Bring an end to admin headaches with TeamUp.
Stay on top of all the different working parts of your business
When clients are on different packages, want to come at different times, or want to make up a missed session, things can spiral out of control quickly. With TeamUp's memberships, everything is managed in one place and automatically.
TeamUp is just so user-friendly, and so easy to navigate and figure out. Even the times I have had questions, if I just email, then the team get right back super quick and are so helpful. What I love about it, though, is that the options are there. We were able to launch and encourage people to sign up with a pro-rated membership for the first period. Because of that, people were just like, "Okay, yeah, I'll sign up," because they didn't feel any risk.
Sarah Macdonald CrossFit Haddington
Save time so you can focus more on your clients' needs
Time spent on admin is time that you could use more effectively. Whether it's letting someone know that a space on a waiting list has become available, chasing a missed payment, or any one of hundreds of small tasks, TeamUp can help.
Keep track of all the important parts of your business
With TeamUp, it's all there in one place. You can see their contact details, waivers, what membership they are on, when they registered, and any injury information or notes.
Draw payments automatically from your customers' accounts
Set up an automatic payment schedule. Track your revenue, monitor your projected income. Even when you're busy, this runs in the background.
A system that just fits
You designed your business around your clients. Your software should do the same. Move easily from an existing system without having to change what your customers are already doing.
No more manual chasing or checking class usage
Discount codes
Use on existing or new, added by your client or you
New customers
Set specific memberships to be new customers only
Single purchase
Set specific memberships to be a one-time purchase
Member rates
Discounted access to classes or workshops for members
Open gym
Add on services and fine-tune control
Free trials
Set up free trials or paid trial weeks
Unlimited options
Unlimited types or numbers of memberships
Set custom categories and groupings
Smart widget allowing you to sell classes, memberships, and store items directly from your site
Upgrades and downgrades handled automatically
All memberships linked to automated payments
Class access
Automated online booking
Send member details to other apps via integrations
Detailed membership reports including trends
Amend pricing at any stage, retain existing member pricing, or bulk change
Hidden classes
Hidden classes for groups of members that you choose
Membership holds for member holidays
Offer different payment plans for a membership
Easily specify contract terms and payment rules
Our team will help you import existing memberships
Frequently asked questions
Not sure if TeamUp is right for you? Here are some common questions regarding our membership features.
Can I offer free trials?
Free trials are a popular way to get new potential members through the door. Promote the trial as a normal membership, or use the built-in free trial widget to promote the offering on a page on your website. You'll find rich options allowing complete customizability of which classes they can attend and lots of other rules. You can charge for your trials too if preferred.
Can I sell 4-weekly memberships instead of monthly?
Yes, this is one of hundreds of customizable options in the powerful TeamUp membership system.
I've already got a software system, will you help me switch over?
Yes, TeamUp helps business owners transition between services every day. We can help you do it quicky and efficiently.
I have a client who doesn't like technology… how do I get round this?
If you have a client who cannot use the booking tools, you can book for them, take their payment, and set them up with memberships from your computer or phone.
Can I change the word "membership"?
Yes, you can represent your business using the words that best reflect your services. TeamUp is proud to offer a highly customizable tool.