Gain better control of your business with TeamUp’s unique features

10 min read
Do you ever feel that staying in control of your business is harder than you thought? Find out which key features in TeamUp's gym management software can help you regain control over your fitness business.

Do you ever feel that staying in control of your business is harder than you thought? Find out which key features in TeamUp's gym management software can help you regain control over your fitness business.

When shopping for new gym management software, your number one priority must be to choose a system that helps you gain better control of your business. Your software should be three things:

  1. Reliable and supportive of your needs
  2. Valuable and be worth the price you’re paying
  3. A problem-solver that also helps you avoid future common issues

There is a lot of booking software out there that promises you everything you need and more but misses the mark. Finding a system that not only makes good on its word, but is affordable, and grows with you is a step in the right direction.

In this guide, you’ll explore the unique TeamUp features and tools that will support and make welcoming new business a breeze, help you manage your clients and staff, and keep everything flowing smoothly. Let’s get started.

A gym owner talks to one of their gym clients at the front desk of their gym or studio.

How TeamUp helps fitness business owners have better control of their businesses

TeamUp’s structure both in system and pricing is designed not only to help you take back the reins but at a price that won’t break the bank.

In TeamUp, you have all the essential features that every business needs to manage memberships and payments such as:

  • Online booking via your own TeamUp website
  • Online payment methods with GoCardless, Stripe, PaySimple, and more
  • Multiple membership packages and plan options
  • Detailed customer profiles for each member

But the unique features in TeamUp's gym management software that support these tools that can really take your business to the next level. Those include:

  • Customisable reports that help you make smarter business decisions
  • To-do lists that help you keep an eye on operations
  • Customer life journey tracking built into your customer section
  • Powerful integrations that can amplify your marketing and retention
  • Recurring memberships and payments to keep the money coming in
  • Appointments to offer your members one on one availability
  • And last but not least, a member app to make on-the-go booking possible

More of these key features and resources are all included in the pricing structure you’re on when you sign up to TeamUp no matter how large you grow. To get a deeper understanding of how these features can help you gain better control of your business keep reading below.

Collect all your vital data with built-in reports and stay informed about all the important parts of your business

Reporting is the perfect feature for a growing business. Customisable and easy to understand both in-depth and at a glance, all of the information you want to know to stay informed about your best performing classes, which instructors are bringing in more customers, how new members are being referred, and your revenue months in advance can be found right in your system. See that a class time isn’t being attended or a certain membership isn’t being sold? Get rid of it.

All of the data you need is stored in a safe and secure place, and you can even let your staff members have access in order to help you execute new business ideas and plans. When running your business, it’s up to you to make the best decisions, and you can make even better decisions when you have the facts and evidence to support you.An example of the reports page in TeamUp's gym management software.

Flag actionable items and cross them off your To-do list

To-dos help you keep an eye on your open and failed payments, refunds, open invoices, and store orders. Essentially, you can see if any of your payments are pending or if a payment hasn’t gone through without having to look in your reports or individual customer profiles, or worse...ask your customer where their payment is.

Using the To-dos in your system can help you stay on top of the frustrating task of having to chase down clients for their payments. If you see a payment continue to fail, you can set up policies that prevent that client from booking into a class until they pay. It makes it easy for you to spot a potential problem before it turns into a larger issue.

Define customer status and track the customer life cycle

Take control over your customer journey by setting up parameters that can help you track what stage of your business your customer is in. If a new member is still in their trial, how long does that last until they become a full time member?

If you have customers slipping away and not coming to class, set up a reminder so that you can get in touch with them before it’s too late. Having this type of information on hand will help you better understand how to support your members and retain their membership.

Gain further control over your customer journey by setting how much time should go past until a customer is considered inactive or how long a membership can go unused before being considered as slipping away. These key features in your gym management software will prevent you from losing members in the first place and give you time to check-in and see what’s going on.

Integrate your gym management software with Zapier to make marketing easier

Zapier is ideal for automating repetitive marketing tasks. With Zapier you have access to over 3000+ apps that can help you build workflows to keep customers engaged and informed.

Social media is a big part of your marketing, both to reach out to potential clients as well as to keep your current clients up to date with all the goings on in your business. With Zapier, you can connect all of your social media channels so that you don’t have to create the same post on each medium over and over again.

The best part about using a tool like Zapier is that once you set it up, you don’t have to keep checking it. It will run in the background so that you can focus on your other tasks such as planning awesome classes and sessions.

Keep revenue flowing and take control over payments

With more clients, you expect to see more revenue coming in each month. It isn’t always as simple as “more clients, more money”, though. If you have a lot of customers who book for a finite time or even just the occasional class, you won’t see a great improvement in profits, especially if they’re making one-off payments.

You also need to consider how you’re accepting payments. Are you using a payment processor to guarantee payments make their way to you on time? And is your payment processor the most economical and reliable option?

Here are a few ways to ensure that money is always coming in and you’re getting paid no matter what.

A graphic demonstrating payments in TeamUp's gym software.

Set up a reliable billing method

While standing orders, PayPal, and even pay-as-you-go are all viable options for your business, there are plenty of reasons to turn to the payment integrations that are offered with TeamUp.

It’s not a hidden fact that using GoCardless for your direct debits and Stripe for card payments are cheaper than many of their competitors. In fact, GoCardless is up to 60% cheaper than PayPal for UK businesses when it comes to transaction fees.

Plus, with TeamUp you only need one integration to support both card and bank transfer payments from your customers – so you can save even more time.

Having a billing method in place that’s known for being reliable

When you sign up to TeamUp, creating accounts with both payment processors can be done through your dashboard. You don’t have to get in touch with either company separately.

Recurring memberships mean recurring payments

Start offering recurring memberships and you’ll notice instant improvements in your growing business. You’ll start to see a more regular cash flow coming in each month, customers will love the ability to input their payment details and not have to repeat and renew month after month, and even if a customer misses a class or doesn’t take full advantage of their membership, you’ll still get paid.

If a customer decides that they want to discontinue their membership, you can set the minimum notice period so that they don’t suddenly miss out on a payment or ask for refunds on unused weeks. It also means you have more time to try and retain their membership and prevent them from even leaving.

Utilising the member app

If you have a complicated booking process, you’ll lose customers before they hit the purchase or register button. TeamUp’s customer site and member app have been designed to prevent this from happening.

Most consumers now do their online shopping and reservations from their phones, so having an app where they can book on the go speeds up their purchasing and registration.

TeamUp's member app was created to make signing up for a membership, registering for a class, or booking an appointment even easier. Encourage your customers to download the app so they have your calendar in the palm of their hand.

An illustration of a gym client using their member app to book a class or session.

A mobile-friendly alternative to a gym management software app

Gym management software is a great way to keep your business organized and running smoothly, but what happens when you’re not at your desk? Or when you’re on the go and need to make a quick change to your schedule? While there isn't a downloadable gym management software app, you can still use the TeamUp unique features you need from your mobile devices.

Using TeamUp's gym management software from your phone is as simple and the tools and resources all have the same level of functionality as using the system from your desktop. You can add and remove bookings, change dates and times, send messages to customers, and even take payments – all while you’re on the go.

TeamUp's gym management software works seamlessly on both iOS and Android devices, so you can manage your business from anywhere.

Use Appointments to make your calendar easy to understand

The Appointments feature works alongside classes so you and your trainers can easily show your availability outside of class time. When you’re available to clients for one-on-one sessions, or for consultation with new clients, your customers don’t have to come directly to you to book a time.

Your available slots can be shown on your calendar so any client wanting to book time with you can just sign up as they would for a standard class. Clients select the trainer they want, based on their availability, and they can also specify the appointment type. It’s easy for them and makes it clear for you. You know who a session is with and what type of appointment they’ve booked.

Keep your gym or studio secure with access control

Gym management software doesn’t just help you with your admin needs. In fact, gym software now even includes resources to improve the security of your gym or fitness studio. We’ve now added this to our software with the Kisi access control integration. 

Access control automates who can enter your facility. Using Kisi’s smart technology you can install locks at all your entry points of your facility and manage access in your Kisi and TeamUp accounts.

With total control over access periods, you can set your access control based on membership types and registrations. For 24-hour fitness businesses, open gyms, and studios, the addition of access control means improved security for both your staff and your clients.

An illutration of a gym client using the access control integration with Kisi to enter a fitness business

To sum up

TeamUp's gym management software is the perfect way to take control of your business. With key features like the member app, Appointments, and access control, you can manage your gym or fitness studio with ease – whether you're at your desk or on the go.

By making use of these key features in TeamUp's gym software, you're giving yourself the necessary tools and resources to keep your business organized and running smoothly without having to spend all your time sorting through admin. Instead, you can concentrate on making sure your clients are getting the most from your fitness business's services.

Schedule a call to find out more about how TeamUp’s gym management software can help you grow your business, and sign up for a free trial today.

Thanks for reading!


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