Unlocking the 7 keys to autumn success

Danielle Easton
5 min read
September is one busy month for the fitness industry. The summer routine is winding down and it’s time to replace thoughts of holidays, ice creams on the beach, and longer evenings with a solid business plan, attractive offers to entice new clients, and ways to re-engage your members. Read on for the 7 key areas to focus on for a healthy fall!

September is one busy month for the fitness industry. The summer routine is winding down and it’s time to replace thoughts of holidays, ice creams on the beach, and longer evenings with a solid business plan, attractive offers to entice new clients, and ways to re-engage your members. Read on for the 7 key areas to focus on for a healthy fall!

As a fitness professional, you know all too well how hectic September can get. One minute you’re enjoying a fairly relaxing summer. Next thing you know you’re being bombarded with “back to school” signs, listening to friends and family panic about that extra holiday weight, and trying to come up with an offer new members can’t refuse… but that will keep them hooked even after they’ve shed those summer pounds... 

Phew! It’s fair to say September is an intense time for the fitness industry. The good news is, if you take a beat and follow our foolproof 7-point plan, you can make it work for you and your businessalmostwithout sweating it.

Woman jogging in a park full of yellow-leaved trees

We’ve spoken to multiple gym, studio, and box owners about the September rush and used their experience and advice to create these 7 keys to autumn success. Grab a seat, catch your breath, and get ready for your best September yet.

Engage and motivate your members

Personal trainer encouraging a tired gym member

It's time to create some buzz to prevent those post-summer blues. Whether members are keen to get back to the gym or struggling to adapt to the old routine, reach out about what's going on at your facility. Remind them of the benefits of self care and feeling good about themselves. Make sure to show your support and encourage them to take this fitness journey with you. Don't forget to announce your class schedule so members can start snapping up those spots!

Be supportive and remind your members of the benefits of self care and feeling good about themselves.


Expand your client base at a healthy rate

A class of adults enjoying an intense fitness class

The bigger your client base, the more you earn, right? Actually, it's not as simple as that. High growth can also spell higher churn. So, while it's always nice to see new members join your gym, it's even nicer to see the same faces coming back again and again. Customer retention is hard and working on improving your services, listening to feedback, and encouraging members to bring friends and family is a much more stable way to scale and maintain that growth. Remember to make use of TeamUp's referral program and show some love to those dedicated members.


Use back-to-school opportunities to your advantage


3 young moms with babies doing exercise outdoors

As the old saying goes, if you can't beat them, join them! Back-to-school offers are everywhere you look at the moment. Even potential new members who don't have kids are likely looking for a sweet deal to save them some money. It might be a discount, a free class, or a time-sensitive add-on, such as free access to your online services with the purchase of a membership. You can also use this time of year to incorporate kids classes or mom/dad and baby sessions. Think of who your current clients are and choose the options you think would suit them best to boost your business.

Consider your current clients and choose the options that would suit them best to keep them interested and maintain a steady income.


Revamp your signup offer and stand out

A woman enquiring about membership prices at the local gym

Competition is fierce. Make sure your offer is up to date, published on your website, and highlights all your services. Special short-term memberships can be an enticing way to attract new clients to your business. You might even want to consider setting up some taster classes and advertising in local shops and businesses to give potential customers the chance to see what your facility has to offer. Ask some of your most loyal customers to come along to increase the community spirit and add to the vibe—those newbies will be signing up in no time!

Boost your brand through user generated content

A group of gym-goers taking a selfie after a fun session

Statistics show that 70% of customers read reviews a whopping 4 times before they trust a business. We also know that w
ord of mouth is the strongest form of marketing out there. That means loyal members are your best calling card. Ask them to share feedback to encourage others to try out your facility. User-generated content (UGC) can be photos, videos, social media comments, reviews and testimonials. Seeing UGC is a surefire way to know your clients are happy, a great form of marketing your services to like-minded people and, best of all, it’s free! TeamUp's Community Happiness can really boost your online reputation and shake up your marketing strategy. It’s time to start shouting about why gym-goers should be choosing your facility!

70% of customers read reviews a whopping 4 times before they trust a business. Share those glowing testimonials with teamUp's Community Happiness


Provide a memorable customer experience

A coach greeting each member as they arrive to class at the gym

Looking after your customers will pay for itself when they renew their memberships, bring friends and family along, and gush about you on social media. It sounds obvious but even little things like learning everyone's name, greeting them with a smile, and keeping your facility clean and tidy has a huge impact on how people feel about coming to your gym. Create a sense of belonging and build a community by asking them for regular feedback, sending out surveys, and encouraging them to get involved in your events and social media.

Monitor your success so you can build on it

Instructor guiding two women through a workout

If you're struggling to make things work, there are always areas to look at to find ways to improve from your pricing, your schedule, to your equipment. But even if things are going smoothly, it's important to keep your eye on the prize. Track your numbers each month, revise your active memberships, check in with your trainers and instructors about each session, and read through your online reviews. This way you'll be able to get a better forecast of your income each quarter if you're planning on hiring new staff, predict retention to adjust your membership plans, as well as identify areas to boost even further such as additional classes, swag, and workshops.


👍 Like what you see? Grab your free September Stressbuster 🥊 for more in-depth advice and wave goodbye to stress! 👋


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