2022 is the year for unlocking your business potential. As you create your business resolutions and start setting your goals for the new year, add taking your business to the next level to your list. The past couple of years have been focused on surviving and making it through lockdowns, stay at home ordinances and the back and forth of closing and opening fitness facilities.
Now is the time to set your sights on the growth and levelling up of your business. In this guide, we share our best tips for properly creating and building on your business goals for the year and how to organise your management software to unlock your potential. Let’s take on 2022 together!

Goal setting: incremental plans lead to bigger success
Setting goals seem simple enough. You say what you want to achieve and then you work towards it. “I want to earn 10 clients a month,” “I want to open a new facility,” “I want to hire more staff.” While you may want to accomplish those goals it’s the planning that will help you execute. So to help you set your goals, and set them so that they can be achieved here are some helpful steps.
Step 1: Start simple. State your business goal and what you want to achieve in its simplest form.
Step 2: Find the why. You want to achieve this goal for a reason, whether it be simply because you want to, you want a challenge, or it’s to be able to do something else. The why your goal purpose.
Step 3: Define the how. To achieve your goal you need to know what to do in order to accomplish it. Learn how to build a successful plan that will help you organise and figure out what you have to do to get closer to your goal.
Step 4: Create incremental goals. Incremental goals are small goals that lead to your larger goals. Achieve those as you go and you’ll stay on track to reaching your final destination.
Step 5: Get an accountability buddy. It’s much easier for you to push yourself when someone else is holding you accountable. Big brother or sister can make you work harder and give you a motivational boost when it seems like your goal is far away.
Step 6: Frame your goal positively. With approach-oriented goals, you focus on the good that will come of this goal and use that to guide your plans. Focus on the strengths and eliminate the negative.
Step 7: Identify the obstacles. Once you know the positives of your goal, consider what will stand in the way and determine how to avoid it or overcome it if it arises.
Step 8: Reward yourself when you accomplish your goal. A lesson we learned early in childhood, achieve your goal, get rewarded. Set a prize for yourself and celebrate your big win, you deserve it!
Step 9: Once you have succeeded, set your new goal. Goal setting doesn’t have to be a January-only thing. You should always have new goals and ambitions in the pipeline to get you to the next level.
Why management software is a business growth game-changer
If you’ve ever felt overwhelmed running your business, you’ve most likely considered hiring someone to do it all for you, to take control, and relieve you of your stress from those day to day tasks. Well, thanks to gym management software you don’t have to hire someone to run your business. With a system stacked with features and tools to support you and give you control without having to stay on top of every little thing happening in your business, you’ll never need to worry if everything is getting done or is something is slipping through the cracks. It’s all there for you to see and your software can take care of that for you as long as you set it up to be your eyes, ears, and even brains behind your business.
How TeamUp can help you unlock your potential
Management software that is designed with the flexibility to make it not only easy for you to run your business but for you to build your business is the first thing you should look for (or already have) in your arsenal when planning to unlock your potential and take your business to the next level. With TeamUp not only do you get the guarantee of unlimited customer support to guide you through every step of your growth, but you also have the reliability of tools and features built to work with you at every stage of your business.
The tools and features in the TeamUp dashboard that will especially help you unlock your potential both for yourself and your members are:
- Reliable payment processors that will securely automate and collect recurring payments.
- Detailed reporting that can tell you everything you need to know about your business, including the past present, and future.
- Interactive tools and integrations that can enhance the customer journey and build retention.
- An easy to read and navigate dashboard that will also show you what tools and features are coming down the pipeline to support your growth and success.
- Customer relationship management tools that will collect customer information so that you can provide the best customer experience possible.
- Safety and health features such as ParQ forms can both keep your customers and your business safe.
And so much more.
Find out fitness business owners' advice on how to unlock your potential
Diversify your offering and services
“As soon as the original lockdown we went onto zoom classes only. We decided to offer a membership that would allow users unlimited access to classes. At the same time, we didn't want to exclude those who wanted less regular classes so we had a variety of choices. This was very easily sorted with TeamUp and its flexibility. As the COVID restrictions lifted we began to offer live classes but most of the people using online were enjoying the freedom it gave them to come to classes regularly without having to plan meals and travel around their class often adding time commitment to double.
We have hung onto this small number of committed regulars (probably about 1/3 of previous attendees) and are getting trickles of new members. We are trying various options to get the classes bigger including Google Ads and social media but it is a struggle. Once we can get someone they tend to stick and we are once again closed for live classes during this Xmas boom in covid.
We tried offering incentives to current members to introduce someone but that had no results at all. I think it's just about keeping things moving and being proactive in reacting to the times. We look forward to some fantastic suggestions for a boost in numbers though.” Andrea Lowe, Mind and Body Bury
Be creative with membership upgrades to open new business opportunities
“My clients are always excited by something new - and being a small business, I'm able to pivot and change according to seasons or trends. For instance, I've recently offered Online Pop Up classes, Express, and Mindbody Masterclasses with guest presenter instructors. This does mean clients will sometimes upgrade to a bigger membership package or purchase add ons. For instance, if they have a ‘face2face’ class pack, they might go for the ‘Access All Areas’ membership which includes online and on-demand, or they might choose to catch up on these online offerings by purchasing a rolling on-demand membership which is low cost in addition to their regular class pack.” - Fran Flin, Flin’s Fitness
Don’t rely solely on discounts to get new members in the door
“Don’t ever sell yourself short. Don’t underprice and don’t discount. Try and find a way of bringing people in and offering them something else with that, but not discounting what you’re eventually going to want them to buy. Instead, offer them something, in addition, say have them pay for the class, and then give them an additional taster of something else. Something that is not going to cost you or your time.
Or the first class they pay for and the second class is slightly discounted so that you get people in the door. I know there is one studio that offered their second class free, which is actually a good way of doing it because people value the class, and they’ve paid for it and the second is free. If people have done two classes they’re generally hooked. They’ve invested in it, they came back, and they’ll feel it after two sessions. That’s a more clever way of doing it.” - Jean Androne, Loving Pilates
Keep reading and see how reaching out to the community can help your business thrive in 2022
Focus on community first to grow your client numbers
“I’d focus on community first. I always think fitness and getting fitter is a bit like going to a restaurant, you go and you expect food. So with any fitness business, you’re going to expect to get fitter. But it’s also about the surroundings and the atmosphere. We have a Facebook group, so when a new member comes in for a free trial, we put them in the Facebook group. We focus on making it very accessible, very friendly, and we do events, open water, swimming, introductions to trail running, and really focus on making the group feel like a community and non-cliquey.
I think the biggest area in fitness is people who are not fit already, but people who want to get fit and feel intimidated or scared. Present yourself on their side. Also, be visible on social media and in the community. Make the experience fun for people and very welcome. Get people to feel like they’re going to have a good time.” - Barrie Johnston, Great in 8
Use target marketing strategies to be personal, not just sell
“I have targeted certain members (via the reports filters), to email offers of interest. Most recently a 3-month "Winter Workouts" deal, for the on-demand - so that they might consider having this library "in their back pocket" for the holiday period and cold weather whereby they might not want to go out. There's a New Year deal going out too, all to grow the passive income of the online side of my business. Targeted emails feel a little more personal than general marketing emails, and can yield better return, for a little bit more effort.” - Fran Flin, Flin’s Fitness
Invest in software and customer feedback to make better business decisions
“Put your members first and be consistent with what you do. We all get moments where we think it’s not going the way we want it to. So if you've got the software, like TeamUp, then look back at the classes to see which classes are working well.
Maybe if there's a class that's not doing too well, then it could be, the timing could be wrong. Send out some member feedback forms because people will always tell you what they need and what they want from the class. Because they're paying for it. Listen to your members. I think that's the key thing. And if they're happy, then you'll be happy and everyone's happy.” - Craig Jackson, Action Fitness Norwich
Thanks for reading!
This year is all about taking your business to the next level. Check our blog weekly for new advice, guides, and customer case studies filled with helpful advice on how to help you achieve your business goals in 2022. You can start with our customer goals and advice guide.