The best TeamUp features to keep your clients engaged

9 min read
Start using your gym management software to help you streamline the way you engage with your customers. Learn how TeamUp's features can help you improve communicating with your members outside of class time.

Start using your gym management software to help you streamline the way you engage with your customers. Learn how TeamUp's features can help you improve communicating with your members outside of class time.

Building a good rapport with your clients in classes and sessions is an important part of generating repeat business. Classes with you and your team are one of the primary reasons your clients keep coming back and why they buy new memberships. But you also need to think about keeping up customer engagement outside of classes. The right fitness management software should take a lot of that responsibility off your shoulders so you and your team can concentrate on fostering a great rapport with clients in classes.

A group of clients enjoying their fitness class together

With the right tools to engage with your customers, TeamUp is a great gym management software solution boasting robust features to help improve fitness business owners' client engagement. In this guide, we will discuss some of the best features in TeamUp that can help you to improve your clients' experience.

Why it's important to keep your clients engaged

Client engagement is key to any fitness business. It's what sets successful businesses apart from the rest. Keep your clients engaged, and you'll ensure their loyalty, increase client retention rates, and see a boost in overall client satisfaction. There are lots of ways to keep your clients engaged, for example:

  • Get to know them on a personal level. The better you know your clients, the easier it will be to keep them engaged.
  • Make sure they're challenged. If your clients feel like they're not being challenged, they'll quickly become disengaged.
  • Keep things fresh. Don't let your workouts become mundane and boring. Change things up frequently to keep your clients on their toes.
  • Get feedback. Ask your clients for their input and use it to improve your business.

Using your gym management software to improve client engagement

When you invest in gym management software, you want to be sure that it can help you improve client engagement. TeamUp is a great example of this. TeamUp offers many key features to help fitness business owners keep their clients engaged and coming back for more week in, week out.

Personalise your customer experience with one-on-one time that doesn't overload your schedule

More clients mean less time for one-on-one consultations, classes, and sessions. It’s important that you maintain strict rules on time management. Don’t leave yourself open to last-minute requests from clients wanting a session that impacts your already busy schedule.

Use Appointments in TeamUp to clearly show your clients when you’re available. This feature offers total clarity about specific hours during the week that you’ve set aside for any clients to book one-on-one time with you.

How Appointments help your team

Appointments will also really help your trainers and team. If any of their clients want an extra session, they can see their favourite trainer’s availability outside of class time and they can also select their preferred appointment type.

Being able to quickly and easily book a one-to-one appointment gives your clients the feeling that they are still able to receive a more personalised customer experience even though you have more clients. Not to mention it also lets your team see who they have a session with and what their preferred appointment type is.

Use referrals as one of your customer engagement strategies

Referrals are a great way to increase customer engagement. TeamUp’s referral system is really easy to use and it’s a great way to increase your customer base without having to put in too much effort.

With TeamUp, you can offer use a number of different referral program ideas. For example, offer your clients referral discounts that they can share with their friends. When their friends sign up, they’ll receive the discount and you’ll get a new client. It’s a win-win situation.

How notifications can build better customer experiences

With TeamUp, you can send automatic notifications to your clients about their upcoming appointments and classes. Sending out automated reminders to your members is a simple but effective way to make sure that they never miss a class, and it's a good way of improving your customer engagement.

Set up notifications after a class to thank clients for coming and to say congratulations on a job well done. You can also use your post-class emails to remind customers to book a spot in the next class with a simple call to action such as "don't forget to book your spot in next week's class!" at the end of your post-class email. Add a link to your schedule, and you make it even easier for your customers to nab their spot in next week's class. This is one of the simpler but most effective customer engagement strategies that can be easily implemented through your gym management software. 

Keep your classes full with waitlist notifications

You don't want to lose revenue when one of your clients cancels their spot in your class which is why TeamUp automatically fills that spot with someone who's put themselves on the waitlist. However, it's important that clients who now have a spot are made aware of it.

Once they've been added to the class, your client will receive an automated notification that tells them they now have a spot and it reminds them of the time and place. This ensures that your client won't miss their class and you won't have to refund them later on.

Other ways of using notifications to improve client engagement

There are other notifications you can set up in TeamUp that help you engage with your clients that will leave them feeling as though they're not just your customer, but a valued part of your fitness business.

Boost engagement and increase brand loyalty milestone emails

Milestone emails are a great way to help with customer engagement and improve brand loyalty. Every time your clients complete a course, a certain amount of classes, or even have an anniversary of being a member of your fitness business, send them an email congratulation them.

Making a point of celebrating milestones along the customer journey shows your customers how far they've come and what they've achieved. It'll also give them a boost to keep coming to classes, ultimately helping your customer retention.

A graphic to illustrate milestones for clients attending a fitness business

Get in contact with customers who are slipping away

Every fitness business will experience clients slipping away at some point during their business's life span. Memberships expire without being renewed, or class packs and courses finish and customers don't come back for more.

Setting up automated emails to go out if a client doesn't renew their membership or if they've not booked classes in a specific time frame gives them a nudge and reminds them that you're still there waiting to help them with their fitness goals.

Your email can also be used to try and gather information about customer satisfaction. Rather than just informing your customers that they've missed a certain number of classes, ask them if there's a reason that they're not coming back. Is there anything you could do differently?

Your automated emails are in essence a survey for a crucial segment of your clientele. Use their feedback to implement measures that will lessen the likelihood of customers slipping away i the future.

Add on-demand content to your memberships

Making the most of your on-demand library on TeamUp is the perfect way to engage customers when they're not in class. Online classes are a great feature in TeamUp. It expands your reach, and it also opens up the possibility of hybrid classes so you're online members can join a class along with your in-person class.

On-demand is perfect for those times that a client can't make it to class. With busy work schedules alongside responsibilities at home, getting to every class can sometimes prove difficult.

With your on-demand content, you can keep your existing customers as loyal customers even if they have to follow along with one of your workouts at home in their own time rather than in your gym or fitness studio.

A graphic of a member using the on-demand feature in TeamUp

Additional uses for your on-demand library

Your on-demand library isn't just a good way for your members to keep up with your classes if they're unable to make their preferred time slot. It's also the perfect way to encourage your customers to pursue their fitness goals in their own time.

If your clients particularly enjoyed a class, they can repeat it whenever they like, or if they simply want to get another session in at their leisure, then they can log into your on-demand library and do so.

On-demand makes sure you stay in demand and ensures that your customers feel as though they are getting a lot more from their memberships than they might from your competitors.

Use reports to measure customer engagement

One of the stand-out features in TeamUp is the thorough reports that you can access to fully understand how your business is functioning. This extends to understanding the level of engagement of your customers.

With reports, stay informed about which classes, membership types, and courses are the most popular, and which are not doing as well. It's essentially a way of getting customer feedback about the classes your average customer enjoys and the classes that don't really resonate with them.

Not only does this give you the chance to try some fresh ideas for the less popular classes or memberships, but it can also help you decide if they need to be cut altogether.

It can be tough making calls to cut a class from your schedule, but with reports you know you're making a fact-based decision to improve customer satisfaction and ultimately help your business grow in the long term.


With a variety of features designed to increase engagement, TeamUp has the perfect features to help you engage with your clients and improve customer satisfaction and your customer retention.

By trying out some of these easy-to-implement customer engagement strategies through TeamUp, you can be sure that your clients will stick around for the long haul and you can take your business to the next level.

Discover more ways to produce the best customer experience for your fitness business and keep improving your customer engagement. 

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