How to use Google Ads for gyms in 2023 – a step-by-step guide

16 min read
A comprehensive guide on how to use Google Ads to increase the visibility of your fitness business online and target potential customers.

A comprehensive guide on how to use Google Ads to increase the visibility of your fitness business online and target potential customers.

Are you a gym owner looking to maximize your reach and increase the visibility of your business? If yes, then Google Ads is an excellent way to do this. With Google Ads, you can easily target potential customers in your local area or across the globe. 

However, with so many options available, it's hard to know where to start when creating a successful Google Ads campaign for gyms. That's why we have put together this guide – to provide all the information you need on how best to use Google Ads for gyms in 2023. 

In this guide, we will cover everything from setting up campaigns and choosing keywords to optimize bids and budgeting correctly - so that by the end, you will be ready to launch an effective AdWords campaign for your gym.

Woman working on her laptop in a coffee shop.

Google Ads: An overview of how they work

Google Ads allows advertisers to reach their target audience by displaying ads to users looking for services or products. Advertisers can bid on specific keywords or phrases to be displayed in the top results of Google searches, YouTube, or other websites, depending on the type of campaign. 

With this bidding system, the advertiser has more control over who sees their advertisement and how much they have to pay.

Google takes into account several aspects when deciding which ad to display. Your Ad Rank is based on your Quality Score and cost-per-click (CPC) bid. The relevance and quality of your ad determine Quality Score. 

Additionally, Google evaluates how many people click on your ad once it has been displayed. Factors such as keyword relevancy, user experience on the landing page, ad copy, and call-to-action can all affect the ad's relevance and quality. 

To get the best position on Google, you must have a good combination of CPC bid and Quality Score. 

Grasping the terminology of Google Ads

Google Ads is a powerful tool, but it can be intimidating if you don't know the terminology. To make sure you get the most out of Google Ads for your gym, let's take a look at some of the terms used in Google Ads campaigns.

Campaign: Campaigns are the highest level of organization within a Google Ads account. A campaign can include one or more ad groups with the same budget, geographical location, and target audience. This is a beneficial way to organize your products or services into distinct campaigns.

Ad: This advertisement will be seen by your desired viewers, making it a crucial part of your marketing strategy.

Ad Groups: The building blocks of your Google Ads campaigns for fitness businesses. The topics of these groups will be reflected in the keywords you use, and several ad groups can make up one campaign. These Ad Groups have many persuasive ads that all come together to achieve a single goal.

Keywords: Choosing the right keywords are essential to gain a high ranking in the search bar. They should be included in your Google Ads for fitness businesses campaign and tailored to reflect the terms that your target audience is likely to use. With these specific words, you can trigger results that will show up when someone searches on Google; as impressions increase, so does success - meaning more times of visibility among potential customers! 

Conversions: When someone clicks on your advertisement and fulfills the action you've set for them (such as calling a gym or buying an access pass), this is called a conversion. 

Landing page: This refers to the website users are diverted to once they click on your ad; it's where their journey begins after clicking through. 

It may sound challenging, but Google Ads is an efficient way to drive highly-targeted traffic to your business. 

Not only can you increase your gym website’s visits and phone calls with this tool, but it also helps you track and hone in on the right audience for improved performance. 

However, if used without proper knowledge of how it works, you'll likely waste time and money while running a Google Ads campaign.

Maximizing your performance: 5 benefits of Google Ads for gyms & fitness centers

Online ads are a great way to drive leads, sales, and website visits, but Google Ads can be especially powerful for fitness businesses. Google Ads provides an efficient way to reach potential customers with targeted campaigns that have the flexibility to fit any budget. 

Google Ads' advanced targeting capabilities allow you to reach highly qualified leads and increase visibility for your gym. In addition, Google Ads provides valuable data that you can use to optimize your campaigns for better performance.

Regarding Google Ads for fitness businesses, several benefits make this tool especially worthwhile. From improved lead generation to increased website visits and more, here are five benefits of Google Ads for gyms & fitness centers.

Enhance your reputation and make a lasting impression

Google Ads campaigns for gyms & fitness centers can establish your branding and build trust with potential customers. Google Ads allows you to craft compelling ads that stand out in Google search results, helping your gym become more visible. 

This will make it easier for people to find you, creating a better chance of them considering your services.

Comprehensive (re)targeting capability

Google Ads Remarketing Tutorial (Step-by-Step FULL Guide)

Google Ads is an incredible lead-generation tool that offers countless targeting options. You can bid on more general keywords to get the attention of prospects in the very beginning stages of their research, such as someone looking for a local gym. 

Entice these people with your landing page and send them content that establishes you as a knowledgeable source in the industry. If they don't convert or take advantage of your free trial, use retargeting software to bring them back into your web space! 

Grow your client list

People will associate your company with reliability and quality when your ad is continually visible in the highest-ranking results.

They might come directly to you when searching for a product or service because they regularly see your brand name. This also lends itself to building trust between customers and yourself; if others trust you, then something must be special about what you offer!

Perfectly affordable for everyone

Companies may pay hundreds of thousands of dollars for clicks in the business services industry. Highly competitive keywords could be as expensive as $58.64 per click - amounting to a whooping $180,000 monthly bill if they receive 100 clicks daily through Google Ads!

Fortunately, there is an alternative; you don't have to break the bank advertising your fitness business. You can customize your budget and fine-tune settings like daily expenditure limits and maximum bids to keep within what works best for you financially.

Google’s expansive reach across the globe 

Almost everyone turns to the top search engine for an answer: Google. It dominates over 92% of the market share and processes billions of daily searches! 

This is your chance for success; with its vast reach, countless people are actively searching for solutions or products like yours - which means advertising on Google can land you in front of a massive audience.

If someone is searching for a way to kickstart their fitness journey, you want them to come to your company over any competitors - don't miss this chance. Leverage one of the most potent tools today and ensure everybody looking for what you have on offer knows where they should go!

11 steps to create Google ads campaigns for gyms

Google Ads can be an intimidating tool if this is your first time using it. With its various targeting settings, budgeting options, and ad formats available, Google Ads might seem challenging to master - but we're here to help!

Follow this guide of 10 simple steps to get your Google Ads campaigns for gyms & fitness centers up and running.

Register a Google Ads account

Getting started with Google Ads is as easy as creating an account. Visit Google Ads and click "Start now" to create your Google Ads account.

You'll need to provide basic information such as business name, website URL, and billing address. 

Once you have filled in the required details, click "Create my Google Ads account." Google will verify your account, and you're ready to build campaigns!

Select a campaign type, set your goal, and name it accordingly

Types of Google Ads. 

After constructing your Google Ads account, you'll need to initiate a campaign to reach your desired outlook. Google Ads features numerous campaigns for various objectives and intentions. 

Most frequently, businesses wish to transform their website visitors into leads. Other achievable goals include app endorsement, product or brand consideration, lead generation, sales increase, and enhanced brand awareness.

Once you decide what type of campaign to create, whether it be Search, Display, Video, or Shopping campaigns, Google Ads will prompt you to determine your goal and name the corresponding campaign. 

Be sure to give each one a meaningful title, so they are easily identifiable whenever you want them.

Select the most appropriate keywords

Choosing the right keywords is essential for your business' Google Ads success. These words are what users enter into Google's search engine, so you need to be sure that those entering these terms will find your company and its services when they arrive at the results page.

The best way to select a keyword list is to start with broad keywords related to your industry and refine them. Google Ads offers various keyword tools to help you identify the best ones for your business. Google Ads Keyword Planner is a great place to begin, as it gives you insights into search volumes and competition levels of different words.

Choose the ideal location for your ad

Google Ads in Google search results.

Where you place your Google Ads is essential for reaching potential customers. Google Ads allows you to select the geographic area where your ad will be visible, so it's crucial to pick the correct region and adjust campaigns for different cities or countries.

You must know your ideal customer and location to ensure the right people see your ad. For example, if you're a gym looking for local members, targeting those living or working within five miles of your facility should be done as soon as possible. 

Additionally, consider utilizing ad extensions that can provide more information about your business, including contact details—all at no extra cost! 

With these valuable additions to any advertisement campaign, you'll undoubtedly stand out from the competition.

Targeting specific languages can also ensure that ads are seen by those who speak them. Google Ads allows you to target audiences based on language, which can help businesses reach more potential customers who speak a different tongue.

Maximize your ad spend by utilizing negative keywords

Once you have selected your keywords, Google Ads will offer the ability to add negative keywords that you won't include in any of your campaigns. 

This is essential because each click on an ad costs money and stops ads from appearing at irrelevant times. Additionally, it keeps ads from showing up in front of those who would not convert—making them ineffective for achieving goals.

Utilizing negative keywords ensures your ad budget is going toward the right searches. 

Not only do they help target more precise queries and filter out unrelated phrases, but they also prevent any spending on those who are not ready to buy yet. To get maximum value for money spent on ads, keep track of incoming search terms regularly and add relevant ones as needed.

Decide on your campaign’s daily budget 

Now, it's time to determine your Google Ads budget. Starting with a lower daily budget can be better until you become more proficient at Google Ads. This allows you to test your ads and begin to gather data. You can expand once you're more familiar with your campaigns and know where to invest more budget.

Choose bidding strategy

After you have determined your budget, it's time to pick the bidding strategy that works best for you. Without a plan, blindly clicking through Google won't help much. With multiple options available, manual settings are beneficial as they allow more control over ad spending and maximum bid cap. 

Depending on your objectives and desired outcomes, the optimal tactic may differ from one campaign to another - so take some time to figure out what approach works best for you!

Consider employing cost-per-click strategies such as Maximise Clicks or Manual CPC Bidding to drive website traffic. 

For further knowledge on the various Google Ads bidding tactics, take a look at this video which describes each choice in detail.

Outpacing the competition through competitive bidding

Outsmart your competitors and capture their customers by bidding on their brand names in Google Ads - a sure-fire technique that can drive outstanding results. 

Through competitor bids, you could advertise via similar or exact lookalikes of the original company website with prominent links leading to yours. 

As more businesses take up paid ads on Google, this tactic has become an increasingly popular way for brands to gain an edge over the competition.

Despite its effectiveness, surprisingly few advertisers have taken advantage of this effective strategy. However, mastering the technique does require some finesse and practice. 

Craft strategic ad groups and insert targeted keywords 

When you're ready to start, it's time to create ad groups. An Ad Group includes one, or several advertisements contrived for the keywords your business wants to target. 

What makes this stand out is that no matter what keyword you choose, you can customize their copy, image, and where they appear — all with just a few clicks of the mouse!

 When picking out keywords, resist any urge to write down everything since there's always an overload when getting into these sorts of tasks; instead, take it step-by-step.

Consider what you are advertising and which organic search terms a person would enter for your business. There are various keyword match types, such as:

  • Broad match type – the most expansive option with the maximum audience reach 

  • Modified broad match type – an optimal balance between broad and specific search terms 

  • Exact match type – precisely targeted to your desired keyword phrase 

  • Phrase match type – ensures that ads will only display when a user queries the exact key phrase

When you input relevant words or phrases, Google will generate prospective Ad Groups tailored to your keywords. 

With this data, you can quickly gauge the popularity of each keyword by viewing its search volume and making decisions accordingly!

Build an engaging ad and corresponding landing page

Once you finalize your keywords and Ad Groups, it's time to compose an ad. With a search ad campaign, two headlines and one description are available. 

To truly make the most of this creative space, ensure that all elements have keyword relevance while simultaneously emphasizing any unique selling points or calls to action. This will help improve Quality Score - integral for a high Ad Rank positioning!

Your Quality Score isn't just determined by your ad, but also the user experience after they click on it. Make sure you optimize your landing page for mobile devices so that visitors have a smooth transition between clicking on the ad and being directed to the right destination.

If you don't ensure optimal landing page performance, it could adversely affect how well or poorly your ads perform. 

Track your Google ads performance and make necessary adjustments

Once you launch your Google Ads campaigns, you must routinely monitor them to get the most out of what you are spending. 

Google Ads provides data on how well each campaign is doing, which will help you determine whether or not additional investments are necessary for certain areas or keywords.

To make sure your Google Ads for gyms campaigns are as efficient and effective as possible, analyzing key metrics such as cost per click, impression share, impressions, visits, and conversions is a must. 

Fortunately for you - thanks to the conversion tracking tool that we'll explain in the next section - it's easier than ever before to monitor the success of your Google Ads campaign. 

Get your conversion tracking set up for maximum results!

Tracking conversions in Google Ads.

You are wasting valuable money and time if you're utilizing Google Ads but aren't monitoring your conversions. Conversion tracking is crucial if you want to understand the performance of your ads and make better decisions that maximize results. 

Without it, all of your assumptions will be mere guesses! The only way to learn what's going on after people click on an ad is through conversion tracking - without it, there isn't any other reliable data available!

Utilize conversion tracking to understand better which ads are most effective for your business. With Google Ads, you can track various conversions such as sales, email sign-ups, and phone calls to determine the effectiveness of each campaign. 

By doing so, you'll be able to optimize campaigns based on their performance and make informed decisions before committing more money relating to ineffective campaigns or strategies.

The takeaway

Google Ads is a great way to promote your gym and reach potential customers. With Google Ads, you can create targeted campaigns with keyword-specific Ad Groups, well-crafted ads, and optimized landing pages for the best user experience. 

Additionally, Google Ads makes monitoring performance metrics such as cost per click, impression share, impressions, visits, and conversions easy. 

With conversion tracking, you can gain valuable insights into what's working in your campaigns and make decisions that will maximize results, helping to boost your ROI. So don't wait - get Google Ads for gyms set up today!

Frequently asked questions for google ads for gyms

What is Google Ads?

Google Ads is Google's advertising platform which allows you to create ads targeting specific keywords and reach an audience of potential customers. 

Google Ads will enable businesses to bid on specific search terms, helping them show their products or services on the Google search engine results page (SERP). Google Ads offers other options, such as display and video ads. 

Do Google Ads work for gyms?

Yes, Google Ads can be a great way to reach new members for gyms. 

How do I advertise my gym?

To get started, you'll want to create an effective keyword list and write engaging ad copy that resonates with your target audience. Then, set your budget and run your ads. 

How much does it cost to put an ad in a gym?

Depending on the size of your gym, costs will vary; however, most gyms will pay a few dollars per click. For larger campaigns, you can use the "Cost-Per-Click" (CPC) model to get more targeted results and set your budget accordingly.

What metrics should I use to track the success of my Google Ads campaigns?

Google provides a variety of tools that you can use to track the success of your ads. If you don't measure your performance, it is nearly equivalent to wasting money! Here are the key metrics efficiently used by many successful advertisers:

  • Clicks

  • Conversions

  • Click-through rate (CTR)

  • Cost per click (CPC)

Keep in mind these simple yet powerful indicators when evaluating how effective your advertising efforts have been.

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