Our best resources on running online classes

6 min read
Check out our top resources and tools for running online classes, on-demand and managing memberships during COVID-19. We are constantly adding to this list with new articles and tools to help you.

Check out our top resources and tools for running online classes, on-demand and managing memberships during COVID-19. We are constantly adding to this list with new articles and tools to help you.

While clients remain hesitant and gyms and studios around the world are presented with new restrictions and lockdown requirements, online classes and on-demand content are the perfect ways to continue delivering your services to your customers from home.

In this guide, you'll find all the resources you need to be able to run online classes via Zoom and upload on-demand content to provide your customers with ways to connect online during lockdowns and isolations. For any questions on how to set up your online classes or on-demand content, please see our support guides or reach out to our support team using your chat widget or support@goteamup.com.

Everything you need to offer online classes and content and manage memberships during the pandemic can be found in these two sections of our blog:

COVID-19 tools

Online classes and On Demand

This article has been updated on December 22, 2021, to include new updated information on the COVID-19 pandemic and its effects on the fitness industry.

online fitness classes with zoom

Offer online classes with Zoom

Learn how to use Zoom to give your customers classes online. In order to use TeamUp's integration with Zoom, you will first need to create a Zoom account. Once you do so you can set Zoom as an online venue within your TeamUp dashboard allowing your customers to book into your "online studio". When it's time for class, your customers will be sent a link to your Zoom meeting to join. Once they enter the meeting, their attendance will be automatically marked off. It's that easy. Get started today, by checking out our guide to taking your fitness classes online with TeamUp's new Zoom integration. You can also use this guide to learn step by step how to set up your On Demand library.

Deliver on-demand content

Instruct your customers on how to take advantage of your on-demand content using this online fitness content guide. On-demand content is a great way to share your classes and videos with your customers that they can access anytime from anywhere. As more and more of your customers stay home over the next period, on-demand content is a useful resource that they can use to maintain their progress and not miss out by not being able to go to your gym or studio.

How to offer on-demand content in your memberships

Explore how to offer on-demand content in your memberships. Either as stand-alone or an addition to the services and classes you already include your plans and packs, on-demand is a great compliment and supplement to the things you already provide your customers. This guide walks you through how to build your on-demand memberships and how to make them available to your customers.

Online classes and on-demand memberships

This guide includes four examples of how to package your on-demand content and live in-person or online classes. Use these templates to offer your customers the best ways to access your content and still attend your live sessions when they can.

Online class FAQs

How do I run online classes? Will online classes help my fitness business? How do I get my customers to come? Find all answers to your questions about giving online classes in our guide to running online classes.

Managing your customers during COVID-19

Help your customers adapt to these new changes by checking out our guide to managing your customers during COVID-19. If your customer wants to put their membership on-hold, take classes online, get on advice from you on how to keep working out from home, this guide will give you the tools to extend a helping hand.

Teach your customers how to sign-up for class

Signing up for your online classes is just as simple as signing up for your in-person classes. Share our how-to guide for registering and attending class online with your customers so that they never miss out. They can sign up via their dashboard or member app, making it quick and easy to register.

Informing your customers about your business plans

The next step after deciding to transition to online classes is to let your customers know. Get our tips on communicating your plan of action and business plans, using our guide to keeping your customers informed during COVID-19.

Offer alternative membership packages

Encourage your customers to keep coming to class by offering alternative membership options. By creating new packages that include in-person and online classes, you can motivate your customers to still attend classes and have the option of coming back to in-person classes once your gym or studio re-opens in December.

Delivering high-quality fitness classes online

Now that you have your Zoom classes up and running, this guide will help you learn how to deliver high-quality fitness classes. Here are a few hints...choose the right space, set the lighting, and record your sessions to constantly improve.

Managing online classes with kids

Don't let having little ones at home keep you from giving and going to online fitness classes. Use this guide for tips on running smooth, professional online classes with kids at home to help you get the kiddos involved (or preoccupied) while you get your workout in. A little extra patience will go a long way in keeping your classes productive.

A business owner's perspective to online classes

If you are new to giving classes online, use the advice of one of TeamUp's customers, to help you navigate your first online class. Her report on attendance, how her customers felt, and what feedback they had to share, can help you plan ahead.

Motivate your customers to come to class online

If your customers need a little extra motivation to come to class online, use this guide to learn how the benefits, a perfect home workout environment, and checking in, can go a long way in boosting their confidence and attendance.

Ask your customers how they are feeling

If you are not quite sure how your customers are feeling about coming back to class in-person, the good news we asked them. Most said they are happy to continue with online, some even preferring it. See the full results and analysis here.


This list will be updated regularly, so be sure to check our COVID-19 tools and online classes pages weekly for new guides and articles to help you adapt over the coming weeks. You can also check out our guide of best resources for re-opening your business post lockdown to plan ahead.

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