Fran Flin shares why TeamUp is the perfect fit for her business

4 min read
Fran Flin shares why she uses TeamUp to run her hybrid business. Check out her testimonial to see how she has navigated online and how the Zoom and On Demand features work for her business.

Fran Flin shares why she uses TeamUp to run her hybrid business. Check out her testimonial to see how she has navigated online and how the Zoom and On Demand features work for her business.



But I think in terms of value for money and what I get from TeamUp, it's faultless. I know that people love other software systems. I know there are cheap ones out there. I know there are more expensive ones out there, but I feel like TeamUp are absolutely right for my business.

Hi, I'm Fran, I run Flin's Fitness. Fran Flin sounded a bit weird, so I just went with Flin's Fitness and I've been running that for about 25 years now. I'm a firefighter that I've just recently left the fire service. It was just one of those sorts of calls I got out of the blue from one of your team. And at the time I thought all, you know, is it worth investing in this? Because I was quite happy writing down in the notepad how much each person had paid. But, you know, this is it. Part of the growth of a business is an investment, isn't it? And I saw it as it was explained to me so well that I thought, you know, I really, my business was growing lots of people. And in the end, I decided it was a great way of keeping track of my customer base, the movements between classes, their regularity. It was I was able to keep a paper-free record of their class packs.

But, you know, it was tough at the beginning, just rolling people over into that mindset. I have been with TeamUp for 8 years or so. It's a long time. And people were a little bit resistant. They like their little piece of paper that I used to mark off. But, you know, getting people to use the system was probably the biggest challenge. But it's been absolutely brilliant. You know, it's so simple to use that even my oldies that were the most persistent, you know, they're all on it now and they like that they can keep track of their account as well as me keeping track of what they're doing. So TeamUp feeds back to me on so much more than just who's doing what who's got how much on their class pack.

The analytics are really good as well. So I'm always hopping in to see which instructor's doing, you know, how many people have been to certain instructors' classes. Also seeing people kind of exercise habits, especially as we've gone from online to which is coming back to the outdoor classes at the moment and the live. So, yeah, the transitional time, I'm keeping an eye really carefully on what people are doing. But I think in terms of value for money and what I get from TeamUp, it's faultless. I know that people love other software systems. I know there are cheap ones out there. I know there are more expensive ones out there, but I feel like TeamUp are absolutely right for my business. 

I've got a really strong community business, I run 40 classes, 20 online, 20 out there live. So for my size business, it's absolutely spot on. I came home. I had to find a way to make classes work online. So almost as fast as I was able to get my business to transition to Zoom, TeamUp caught up with that within, you know, hours, days, I literally went 'Thank God' you've got an integrated system now, so that's Zoom went right through TeamUp. I can't remember how many days later, but it was literally days.

And I was just so relieved because it took all of the anxiety of getting people into rooms, giving them a code. It was all embedded within TeamUp. I pivoted fast compared to my colleagues in the area and TeamUp pivoted just as fast thank goodness. So that was brilliant. That feature was amazing. And again, I would say I've had absolutely not one problem with that integrated Zoom into TeamUp. I've had not one problem with a single class in a whole year. So well done, TeamUp, Thank you so much for that. Because you know, you have your WiFi drop out, but there was never a problem with the links working. There was none, just so seamless and so faultless.

And then the second massive thing for me was your On Demand because I was messing around with my website. I've got Wix website uploading videos and I just set up a subscription service on my website and it was very time consuming just even to upload the videos. However, as soon as you came and offered the On-Demand, I did a trial with you, so I could tell straight away how easy is this. It was brilliant. And again, thumbs up for TeamUp. It was still good. It was so quick, so good, so simple. And we've had a really really good response on that, if you're looking at my account, it really gets used a lot my On Demand, so fabulous.

To hear from more of our TeamUp customers about their experience using our software, check out our testimonials page.

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