James Buchanan, of Viking Training System, shares why he founded his gym on Viking culture and what other owners can learn from this style and community.
Jane Mansley of Ease Pilates shares sustainable methods fitness businesses and their members can practice to improve eco-friendliness in the industry.
See some of the incredible efforts several TeamUp customers and partners have put forth to support Ukraine and learn how to build your own charitable campaigns in your system.
Learn why Ru Pinkterton started using TeamUp again after exploring other booking software.
Fran Flin, owner of Flin's Fitness shares with us why online fitness services are not going anywhere and what fitness businesses can do to make their content and classes engaging and fresh.
Looking for ways to keep your online classes fun, fresh, and engaging? Check out these 20 creative ideas for classes on Zoom inspired by several TeamUp customers.
What does it take to run a fitness business podcast? Host Katie Bell of the new hit podcast for fitness business owners, Treat Your Business, is here.
Kirsty Ellson, owner of Infinite Balance Fitness shares how she developed new solutions and programs to grow her business even when she hit her capacity for PT clients.
Carly Britton, owner of Diligent Fitness, shares several lessons she learned as she launched and grew her online personal training business.
Anna Pugh tells us about her experiences creating an online workspace and discovering the benefits of Monotasking.