How to start a fitness franchise? The ultimate guide

Vicki Morillo
5 min read
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Navigating the challenges and rewards of establishing a fitness franchise can be exciting and demanding. For gym owners and personal fitness trainers, choosing a franchise pathway offers the leverage of a proven brand and a set blueprint for operational achievement. 

However, success hinges on strategic planning, foresight, and a comprehensive grasp of the franchising landscape. With the right resources and guidance, entrepreneurs can efficiently transform their fitness franchising ambitions into a prosperous reality.

TeamUp's Expert Insights on Investing in Fitness Franchises

Business Plan and Partnership: Start with a well-defined business plan that outlines steps for customer acquisition and clarifies roles within the partnership. This level of preparation is crucial for success.

Financial Caution: Understand the financial risks involved. Create a Profit and Loss (P&L) statement with different projections to determine the minimum earnings needed for the business to thrive. Consider how shares may dilute, find funding options, and establish a clear exit strategy.

Market Differentiation: Fitness is a competitive industry, and differentiation is key, especially for HIIT-focused franchises. Find a unique selling point to stand out.

Cost Considerations: The initial investment covers securing a location, equipment, marketing, and hiring. Remember that ongoing expenses like rent, utilities, salaries, royalties, and operational costs continue. Assess potential profitability by keeping operating and capital expenses low.

Profitability Assessment: Compare potential returns to traditional investments. Conduct a P&L forecast, account for safety margins, and perform market research to gauge local demand.

Personnel Challenges: Seek partners who offer more than capital. Recruiting an effective studio manager can be tough due to poaching by competitors. Be prepared for competition and pricing pressure.

Customer Acquisition and Market Research: Conduct thorough market research to gauge demand. Develop a robust customer acquisition plan, understanding customer acquisition costs and revenue generation per customer.

Long-Term Viability: Recognize that building a fitness franchise is a long-term endeavor. Assess whether the potential returns can outperform traditional investments in the long run.

Understanding the Basics of Gym Franchising


Gym franchising allows individuals or entities to operate a business under the banner of an established gym brand, encompassing elements such as Franchise Agreements, Initial Investments, Royalty Fees, and Brand Standards. 

While this model offers multiple advantages, it's essential to grasp its fundamental aspects and nuances.

One of the cornerstones of this business model is the Franchise Agreement. This legally binding contract delineates the franchisor and franchisee's responsibilities and expectations. It establishes a framework for how the business should be operated and often includes terms related to the initial investment, royalty payments, training and support, rights, standard operating procedures, brand guidelines, and marketing and advertising funds.

How to open a gym franchise in 8 steps

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Opening a gym franchise involves more than just a passion for fitness; it demands careful planning, financial foresight, and strategic decision-making. From researching the market to devising effective marketing strategies, here's a step-by-step guide to your gym franchise journey.

Research the Gym Franchise Market

The first step in launching a gym franchise is understanding the competition and market demand. 

This involves studying market reports, analyzing competitor successes and failures, and attending fitness conventions or expos. 

The information gathered helps gauge demand and provides insights into potential niches or underserved market segments.

You may want to explore various gym franchises with a strong market presence. Some top gym franchises to consider include:

  • Anytime Fitness
  • Planet Fitness
  • Orangetheory Fitness
  • Snap Fitness
  • 9Round
  • F45 Training
  • Gold's Gym
  • Crunch Fitness

Evaluate the Financial Considerations

Thorough knowledge of both upfront and potential hidden costs is essential. Beyond just the initial franchise fee, there might be licensing fees, monthly royalties, or other costs associated with running a franchise. 

A robust budget, including contingencies for unexpected expenses, can differentiate between prolonged success and early struggles.

Creating a Business Plan

A successful franchise starts with a detailed business plan. This document should cover target demographics, anticipated monthly and yearly expenses, projected profits, and more.

It also serves as a guide to gauge the progress of the business and can be crucial when seeking external financing.

Securing Finance

Beyond traditional bank loans, financing routes such as crowdfunding, angel investors, or leveraging assets can be explored as alternative funding sources.

It's essential to present a convincing case for your franchise's potential success, and having a thorough business plan is vital in this regard.

Choosing the Right Location

A prime location can significantly influence a gym's success. It's not just about the foot traffic but also factors like parking availability, proximity to public transport, and the demographics of the nearby residents. 

It's advisable to conduct surveys to ascertain the fitness preferences of the local community.

Design and Set Up Your Gym Franchise Space

The design should prioritize functionality, ensuring an efficient layout for gym-goers and staff. Incorporating energy-efficient systems can help in long-term savings. 

It's also essential to be well-versed in local safety and health standards, ensuring the gym adheres to them.

Hire Staff

Recruiting skilled staff is pivotal, but their continuous training and development are equally essential. This ensures top-notch service and reduces liability risks. Regular appraisals and feedback loops can help in maintaining and elevating service standards.

Create Marketing and Advertising Strategies

Distinguishing your gym involves strategic promotion. Digital marketing campaigns, loyalty programs, and collaborations with local businesses can boost your gym's visibility and draw new members. 

Tracking campaign performance can offer valuable insights for future strategies.

Common Questions About Starting a Gym Franchise


How much money do you need to start a gym franchise?

The initial investment for a gym franchise varies widely, typically from $50,000 to several million dollars, depending on the brand and location.

Do gym franchises make money?

Yes, gym franchises can be profitable, benefiting from brand recognition and proven business models, though success depends on factors like location, management, and market demand.


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