CrossFit FAQs: tips and tools for box owners and their customers

9 min read
Find all the answers to your common CrossFit questions. From the workouts to the best software tools to the many benefits, these FAQs will help you start your CrossFit journey and open your own box.

Find all the answers to your common CrossFit questions. From the workouts to the best software tools to the many benefits, these FAQs will help you start your CrossFit journey and open your own box.

With more than 15,000 CrossFit boxes in over 162 countries, it's safe to say people love the program. Between the variety of strength and endurance exercises to the strongly-bonded community, there are many reasons why people start their CrossFit journey - both as coaches and CrossFitters.

If you are new to CrossFit, looking to open your own affiliate, investigating CrossFit management software, or need a few extra coaching tips, these questions and answers will point you in the right direction.

crossfit box class with man weighlifting


Photo Credit: CrossFit 13 in Brentwood, England

Is CrossFit right for your customers?

Anyone has the ability to try CrossFit, but it isn't necessarily for everyone. It's a coach's responsibility to help new, existing, and veteran customers achieve their fitness goals and see if this is the right type of workout for them. Start your customers out with the foundational functional movements to see how comfortable they are with your program. These include squats, presses, weight lifting, and bodyweight exercises, and often require using equipment including dumbbells, kettlebells, medicine balls, bands, and bars. If your customers enjoy these types of weighted exercises and the nutrition program that goes in tandem with the workouts, they are on the right track.

CrossFit lingo

CrossFit should come with its very own dictionary. There are a few very common terms that all new customers should learn before coming to a CrossFit class. WOD stands for Workout of the Day. This is typically what a CrossFit box calls their planned workouts of that day. It's very common in CrossFit boxes to hear terminology including Rx (prescribed WOD) and AMRAP (as many rounds or reps as possible) and RFT (rounds or reps for time). Keeping this terminology in your back pocket and giving your customers the down-low on the lingo will help them jump right in without missing a beat.

What does a WOD include?

WODs are consistent throughout the day at any CrossFit box, meaning that if you attend a morning, midday, or evening class, it will be the same CrossFit workouts every time. This ensures that every customer attending a class that day performs the same CrossFit exercises. If you have new customers that are worried about working out for 45 minutes to an hour, let them know that the WODs are actually only 3 to 20 minutes long. The remainder of the time is focused on the warm and cool down, and some additional weight-lifting. New members can also start out with lower weights and modifications for any planned exercise.

What is scaling up?

If you have customers that are new to CrossFit and are worried about their progression, introduce them to scaling up. Scaling up allows any CrossFitter to participate in the same program as other athletes while working out at a fitness level that is right for them. While many of the workouts are built to sustain high-intensity movements, each session includes modifications that are perfect for new beginners. Your CrossFit programs should be built to help your customers reach their goals and develop their strength at a pace that makes them feel safe and comfortable.

How do I become a CrossFit coach?

To become a certified trainer you must participate in the official Level 1 course. This course includes education on the fundamental movements and principles of CrossFit. It also includes training required to help people become fit and healthy through CrossFit. Potential new coaches must spend two days of classroom instruction going over the methodology as well as coach-led workouts and small group training sessions. Once you have completed the course you will be eligible to take the Level 1 test, which you must pass. If you pass, sign the CrossFit Trainer License Agreement, and pay all course and test fees in full, you will receive your Level 1 Certification.

How do I open a CrossFit affiliate?

In order to open your very own CrossFit affiliate, you have to first become a certified Level 1 coach. Once you have your credential you can fill out the application and essay that should include information about your background, experience with CrossFit, what the affiliation means to you, why you want it, and what you would like to achieve in having your own affiliated box. You must then provide your desired location, proof of insurance (for U.S. affiliates), payment for the first year, and sign the annual license agreement. Once these steps are completed you are an official affiliate. Begin the Level 1 certification and affiliate application process, here.

What tools in TeamUp's CrossFit management software tools can help me manage my CrossFit box?

While all of TeamUp's CrossFit management software tools and features can help you manage your CrossFit box, here are a few that stand out, especially for new owners:

Online booking system

A CrossFit gym management software will make it easier for your customers to register for your classes as well as pay in advance. To register for your class each of your customers will either need to log into their customer dashboard or into the member app to register and pay (if they do not already have a membership at your gym). Online bookings also allow your customers to see the availability per class, venue location, who the instructor is, and the type of class.

Automated waitlists

If your customers want to book a class, but that session is full, they can sign up for the automated waitlist from the customers' TeamUp CrossFit booking app. Once one of your customers cancels (in advance) the first customer on the waitlist will be automatically registered for the class. Having an onlinecrossfit client management software eliminates your customers' need to contact you in order to secure their spot in the class. All they have to do is show up ready to go.

Pay in advance

An online booking system with billing software, for CrossFit gym owners, it also allows them to collect payment online before class. No more chasing customers down for payments or worrying whether or not a customer will pay on time. Your system will bill your customers monthly and help you track payments without ever contacting your customer to inquire about payment status. It will also let you know if one of your customers' packages is running out and alert them to purchase a new one in order to keep coming to class.


Track everything from your customers' progress and attendance to payments and referrals. Reporting is your one-stop shop to finding all data and information about your customers through the power of reports. Because all of your admin is now done online, you will be able to manage all of your customers, instructors, classes, and venues in one place. Rather than spending your time worrying about whether a customer has paid, or came to class, or has account credit to use, you can focus on offering the best workout experience at your box. All the information you need is waiting for you when you need it.

Can I give CrossFit classes online?

Whether in the gym or from home, you can offer your CrossFit customers the opportunity to work out at home thanks to TeamUp's Zoom integration. When your customers sign up for one of your classes online, they will be sent an automated email with the link to the Zoom room before class starts, and automatically be marked off the attendance list once they enter the room. Online classes are a great way to connect with your customers who are not able to get to the gym in person.

How does nutrition play a role in CrossFit?

Nutrition and exercise play a mutual role in optimising a CrossFit program. If your customers want to succeed in their CrossFit journey, they need to take each as serious as the other. The recommended CrossFit diet includes meat, vegetables, nuts and seeds, select fruit, little starch, and no sugar. According to, this diet is best for supporting exercise without increasing body fat. Your customers should measure their intake as well as their exercise and track their progress to ensure they are achieving the most optimal levels of health and fitness.

What are the benefits of CrossFit I should share with my customers?

If your customers come to you wanting to lose weight and bulk up, they are in the right place. But more importantly, help them understand that CrossFit is much more than that. While new customers may start out wanting to get fit fast, there are many more benefits that will help turn them into CrossFit lifers and really invest (physically and mentally) in your program.

Improves flexibility and strength

CrossFit workouts are carefully designed to ensure that athletes get in a solid workout without injuring themselves. The functional workouts target muscle movement, joint range, and stability which help improve flexibility while also building strength. Your customers can achieve their desired results without having to put overtime into workouts that require hours and hours of training in a single day...which could lead to severe injuries.

Joining a community

The CrossFit community is one of the most welcoming groups of athletes. From celebrating all stages of progress to motivating each other during each workout, if you have customers coming to your gym looking for a support group to join during their fitness journey, welcome them in with open arms.

Builds confidence

CrossFit can build the body and the mind. Through self-talk and positive reinforcement, the workouts and community can help any customer boost their self-esteem and confidence. Your coaches and teams are there to motivate you, while you push yourself to achieve your goals.


Many CrossFitters not only start CrossFit to get in a good workout and improve their health, but also to compete. Most CrossFit boxes keep a leaderboard and track each member's progress and reps. It's both a great way to motivate customers to work harder, but also adds a bit of friendly competition into the mix. CrossFit Inc. also hosts an official 'CrossFit Games' at local boxes annually, where members can participate and compete for national prizes and recognition.

When it comes to CrossFit the most important takeaways are challenging yourself to accomplish your goals, embracing the community, and celebrating every success big or small, along the way.

How can my customers track their progress on their own?

Once your customers start seeing the results of their work, they will not want to stop. TeamUp integrates with BoxMate, a performance tracking platform for CrossFit boxes that will help you keep your members engaged and motivated to stay on top of their training no matter where they are. Using Boxmate, your customers will be able to interact with each other, record their WODs and stats, and even book into your TeamUp classes.

If you are a CrossFitter or CrossFit box owner, share your journey with us at We'd love to hear all about it.

To find more TeamUp tools to help you manage your CrossFit box, check out our software, here.

Thanks for reading!

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