7 yoga podcasts to help you run your business

10 min read
Find out about our 7 favourite yoga podcasts to help yoga studio owners and yogis improve their practice.

Find out about our 7 favourite yoga podcasts to help yoga studio owners and yogis improve their practice.

Podcasts are everywhere today. Celebrities are producing them, industry experts are presenting them, and people are building businesses by speaking about their passions. Podcasts are undeniably entertaining, but they also play an important role in helping businesses grow. The fitness industry has seen an increase in podcast popularity over the last few years with experienced gym and studio owners, along with motivational trainers and instructors giving their insight into how they built their business and turned them into a success.

Yogis are no different. There are a number of great podcasts available to stream or download that offer tips and advice for yoga instructors of all experience levels, plus engaging with people who enjoy practising yoga. This guide introduces you to some of our favourite yoga podcasters and why you should give their podcasts a listen. But first, let's take a look at why podcasts play an important role in business.

A yogi listening to a yoga podcast while sitting on her yoga mat

Where podcasts fit in mainstream media

Podcasts are short to long format discussions about a range of topics either by one host or a host and guest(s). You can download them, stream them, watch them in video format on YouTube, and find them on the most popular media channels including Spotify and iTunes. Podcasts tend to be episodic series. Taking the traditional radio interview format, they've progressed into more of a long-form conversation. They're informal making them easy for listeners to engage with, delving into all kinds of topics, genres, and current affairs.

Growing in popularity across many industries, podcasts are unique in the sense that anyone can set up their own podcast. There are a number of reliable podcast hosting sites, and they're a great way for people to discuss topics of interest. Whether you're into film, fashion, and fitness, or you're interested in economics, politics, and business there are now podcasts covering everything and anything.

Podcasts as a popular channel for business advice

Podcasts weren't the first online medium to offer tips and advice to business owners. YouTube has long been a resource with channels such as TEDx offering an insight into a number of areas, business included. However, sitting down to watch and engage with keynotes style speeches means carving out time in your already busy schedule. Social media posts are also a constant source of information about changes in trends and publicising businesses, but they are limited about how much information they can really share.

What podcasts deliver that neither a video and talk or social media posts can is flexibility in consuming the content and combining it with easy to relate to information.

Why podcasts are so popular in the yoga industry

Podcasts are a really useful educational tool for yoga instructors, offering a great source of information in a number of ways. For newly qualified yoga instructors, they can be useful for career guidance. A lot of yoga podcasts keep practitioners up to date with any developments or changes in trends within the community. Yoga podcasts can cover topics ranging from the physical practice of yoga, teaching methods, mindfulness, and tips and advice about setting up a yoga business and marketing strategies.

How listening to podcasts can help you run your business

Business owners can benefit from listening to podcasts in a number of ways, especially productions that are focused on providing yoga teachers and owners with the tools and information they need. Listening to some of these great podcasts can help you to

  • Learn about key areas of your business directly from experts with experience in the field.
  • In 2018, incfile.com reported that 63% of their followers found podcasts the best way of learning while multitasking.
  • They are a great source for unique and new ideas for running a business you may not have thought of.
  • They help businesses stay up to date on culture, trends, and current events.

7 Yoga podcasts you need to know about

With so many great podcasts out there it can become an endless search to find the one that gives you the information you're looking for for your yoga business. We had the opportunity to chat with some of the most inspirational and influential podcasters in the yoga industry to share why you should give their podcasts a listen. And the great news for you, they're all open to guests. Check them out below.

Keep reading to find the best podcast to help you grow your yoga business

Mastering the Business of Yoga

Mastering the Business of Yoga logo

About the Mastering the Business of Yoga Podcast on: M.B.Om (for short) is for yoga teachers and studio owners who want to create a successful career in yoga, but don't know where to start, or what to do when it comes to their yoga businesses. Each episode is hosted by yoga teacher & business graduate, Amanda Kingsmith, and features different, successful and inspiring yoga teachers who share their experiences in the yoga world, and the business lessons they have learned throughout their careers. Guests range from full-time yoga teachers, yoga studio owners, teachers who have branched off to create their own businesses, teachers who have developed their own teacher training, and much more.

Listen and subscribe to M.B.Om on: iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher

To inquire about being a guest on M.B.Om, email Amanda, here.

Teaching Yoga Podcast

Teaching Yoga Podcast logo

About the Teaching Yoga Podcast: With almost 100 episodes, over 120k downloads in 136 countries the Teaching Yoga Podcast is an exceptional resource for Yoga Teachers who are looking to develop themselves, both as a teacher, and as a business owner. Host Cora Geroux was a full-time yoga teacher, studio owner, and teacher trainer for a decade before she pivoted her work into supporting yoga teachers in creating profitable and sustainable businesses for themselves.

Listen and subscribe to the Teaching Yoga Podcast on: Itunes, Spotify, Google

"We're currently forming our guest list for Season 3, and are shifting to interview yoga teachers who have created successful businesses, to ask them "How'd you do it?" If you think you'd be a good fit, please email us here, and share your pitch.

The Blissful Biz Podcast

The Blissful Biz Podcast logo

About the Blissful Biz Podcast: On the Blissful Biz podcast digital expert Susanne Rieker and guest experts share advice and strategies to help you build a thriving online business that truly aligns with your passions and values. The episodes are full of actionable tips and tested strategies that Susanne used to build her own online business, helping yoga teachers and wellness entrepreneurs with their marketing while travelling the world. Each week she brings you the productivity tips, online course launch strategies, social media hacks and mindset shifts that will help you create your dream business.

Listen and subscribe to The Blissful Biz Podcast on: iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify

Susanne loves having guests on the show! Inquire about being a guest, here.

The Yoga Boss Podcast

The Yoga Boss Podcast logo

About The Yoga Boss Podcast: The Yoga Boss Podcast is for teachers and studio owners who want to learn how to think like a business owner and grow their business to multiple six figures or beyond. I cover business strategies (marketing and selling strategy) and how to think like a CEO.

"Do you feel like you were meant to have a successful career in the yoga industry? Like you got into this industry to truly help your students but maybe you’re struggling to build a solid business foundation. Or you know that marketing your yoga business is essential, but don’t know how to make it effective for you? Maybe you have already had some success but you’re ready to scale to six figures. Building a profitable business takes serious business skills and a Yoga Boss mindset. When you’re ready to work on your yoga business, instead of in it this is the podcast for you. I’m Jackie Murphy, the business coach just for yoga teachers."

Listen and subscribe to the Yoga Boss Podcast on: iTunes, Audible, Spotify

To inquire about being a guest on The Yoga Boss Podcast, email Jackie, here. 

The Yoga Teacher Resource Podcast

The Yoga Teacher Resource Podcast

About The Yoga Teacher Resource Podcast: The YTR Podcast with Mado Hesselink provides practical knowledge, support, and inspiration for yoga teachers. Topics include the business of yoga, anatomy, teaching skills, philosophy, ethical and legal considerations, and more. Expect to hear from world-renowned yoga teachers and learn from Mado's nearly two decades of experience as a yoga teacher. Some of the most popular episodes are on-air coaching calls where Mado helps individual yoga teachers brainstorm, troubleshoot, and strategize based on their individual needs and goals.

Listen and subscribe to the Yoga Teacher Resource Podcast on: iTunes, Spotify, Android and join the Yoga Teacher Resource email list for updates.

"We love hosting guests on the podcast, who have a valuable message for yoga teachers. If you're interested in being interviewed on The Yoga Teacher Resource Podcast, please fill out this form."

The Yogipreneur Podcast

The Yogipreneur Podcast

About The Yogipreneur Podcast: Brought to you by Digital Yoga Academy, The Yogipreneur Podcast is the leader in business and marketing education for yoga teachers worldwide. The Yogipreneur is for entrepreneurial yoga teachers who want to stop the hustle and overwhelm and instead create more income, freedom and success. In each episode, you'll learn business and marketing strategies to grow your community in a way that makes it easy for you to take action today. Hosted by Kelly McHugh, the founder of Digital Yoga Academy, yoga business coach, marketing expert, entrepreneur and yoga teacher. Discover why thousands of yoga teachers worldwide work with Kelly to successfully fill their offerings, get over their fears of being visible online, implement simple marketing strategies that get results, and turn their side hustles into profitable and sustainable yoga businesses.

Listen and subscribe to the Yogipreneur Podcast on: Itunes, Audible, Spotify, Google

The Yogipreneur is mainly a solo show hosted by Kelly. However, they are open to guests and you can contact the Digital Yoga Academy, here to inquire.

Yoga Biz Camp with Michael Jay

Yoga Biz Camp with Michael Jay logo

About the Yoga Biz Camp: From a marketing background and yoga studio owner, every day Michael Jay helps yogis turn their passion into a sustainable yoga business. Yoga Biz Camp Coaching programs and podcasts are here to help yoga studio owners and solo yogapreneurs navigate a path with easy systems to a profitable wellness business.

Each episode brings and industry experts or rock star yoga studio owners to share their secret sauce to success. Studio owners will benefit from hearing from other studio owners successes and failures. Solo Yoga teachers will find simple tools to create their own signature yoga series.

Listen to the Yoga Biz Camp on: iTunes, Spotify, Google, Instagram

The Yoga Biz Camp is currently looking for yoga studio owners that feel they are rocking it despite the current climate. To inquire about being a guest on Yoga Biz Camp, email Michael Jay, here.

Additional resources on running a yoga business

Thanks for reading our guide. To learn more about running a yoga studio with TeamUp check out our studio management software when you sign up for a free trial or schedule a call with our team.

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