An updated business management calendar

3 min read
Simplify your business and improve your day to day by using TeamUp's newly updated calendar. Eliminate stress, complicated schedules, and juggling tasks when you can manage your entire business, instructors, and customers, all in one place online.

Simplify your business and improve your day to day by using TeamUp's newly updated calendar. Eliminate stress, complicated schedules, and juggling tasks when you can manage your entire business, instructors, and customers, all in one place online.

TeamUp's business management calendar is the heart of your dashboard. See your upcoming schedule, access class registers and complete a variety of important steps. The calendar allows you to manage your staff or instructors so that you can organize their schedules, responsibilities, and number of students in their classes. As an instructor, your calendar gives you your very own access to classes and attendees.

image of the new TeamUp provider calendar

The latest updates to the calendar can help you simplify and grow your business at the same time.

Filter by instructor, venues, class types, and status

Filter your calendar by instructor, class type, venue, and status to view all upcoming classes, when they're happening, where, and with who. You can also choose whether or not you would like to see your cancelled classes in the view as well.

screenshot of the instructor filter in the calendar

screenshot of the venue filter in the calendar

screenshot of the type filter in the calendar

screenshot of status filter in the calendar

Day, week, month, list view

Having the option to see the day, week, month, and list views can help you plan ahead and quickly overview your class schedules.

day view of the online calendar in teamup

List view

image of the list view in the calendar

Weekly view

image of the week view in the calendar

Monthly view

image of the month view in the calendar

Grouping by venue and instructor

Now you can group by venues and instructors. If you would like to see all instructors and their scheduled classes, you can select instructors and they will be listed in the header with their classes underneath. The same applies to venues. If you want to see all classes given at a certain venue, you select venues and can see all classes listed underneath. This is especially helpful when checking your in-person versus online classes as the in-person classes will typically have a physical venue, and your online classes will be listed under your online venue for Zoom classes.

Venue grouping

image of venue grouping in the calendar

Instructor grouping

image of the instructor grouping

If you would like to see which instructors are giving certain classes at certain venues, using the filter select the instructor you would like to see and their classes will show in the venues in which they are giving the classes.

image of the filters and grouping in the calendar view

Class organisation by colour

Identify your classes quickly by colour. When creating a class that class will be assigned a colour to make it easier for you to find it in your calendar when shown with all of your classes.

Accurate class time length visual representation

An accurate visual representation of class time will allow your students to quickly see how long a class runs.

Course vs. class identifier

The course vs. class identifier allows you to see both courses and classes together in the same view. If you would rather see either course classes or your regular classes, simply filter for all class types or all course types. All course classes are clearly marked with a book icon that labels the class as being part of a course.

image of the course vs. class types

And so much more than a calendar

With TeamUp, you have access to many more features linked to your calendar. Tracking attendance, no-shows, and cancellations have never been easier. The reporting tool can give you a simplified overview of all of your business and customer activity. If a particular customer misses class often or constantly cancels and rebooks, you will be able to identify those customers quickly and resolve any issues.

screenshot of class reporting in TeamUp

Where can you find the TeamUp calendar?

In your dashboard! No matter if you are at home, in the gym, or on the go your TeamUp dashboard will give you quick and easy access to your calendar no matter where you are.

To get started on using the newly improved calendar, head to your TeamUp dashboard or signup for a free trial.

Don't forget to check the what's new section weekly for new updates and improvements to your favourite TeamUp tools.

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