Send the perfect class confirmation email

5 min read
When a customer books into your class, it's important to send them a confirmation email. This helps to increase attendance, motivate your customers, and most importantly, reinforce trust. Start your customer communication off on the right foot.

When a customer books into your class, it's important to send them a confirmation email. This helps to increase attendance, motivate your customers, and most importantly, reinforce trust. Start your customer communication off on the right foot.

One of the best ways to gain someone's trust and give confidence in your classes is by showing them that you've understood the questions and concerns they have before they need to ask you. That initial sign of consideration for their thoughts and feelings is an important building block in building a relationship. As a business, showing this consideration is a powerful building block to a long term productive relationship.

happy customer receiving a confirmation to class

What is a class confirmation email?

A confirmation email is sent automatically when a customer books into a class. It confirms the booking as well as summarising the key information needed to attend. Confirmation emails help the customer to:

  • Confirm that they booked the right class
  • Add the class to their calendar
  • Check for any additional instructions
  • Easily communicate with you when needed
  • Feel confident and motivated to show up

It also helps present your business as professional and organised. Your class confirmations are a small but vital touchpoint. They are there to give confidence that the experience they expect is the experience they will receive.

How to know what information to provide

There are two types of information needed. Firstly you need to include any instructions on how to access the class - location or parking for your studio, for example. For online classes, you should explain how to access the class, as well as include any relevant links. Secondly, you should add any information that will help your customer prepare for the class. This is more specific to your business and will sometimes change over time.

Review previous customer confirmations and you will find a treasure trove of ideas for questions to answer in confirmation emails. For example:

  • How long before the class should I arrive?
  • Do I need to bring my own mat?
  • What happens if it rains?
  • I'm a beginner will it be suitable for me?
  • I'm nervous and worried that I won't know what to do
  • I don't have good trainers, do I need to buy new ones before class?

And so on. Each question will be specific to your business. Answering these up-front is where you will really add a lot of value to your confirmation emails.

COVID has changed the game

With the recent and current global pandemic, excellent communication with your customers has become more important than ever. Whether you are welcoming customers back to in-person classes, sticking with online-only, or hosting a combination, you have the potential for some confused and nervous customers!

One thing has not changed, and that is the need for confirmation emails no matter whether the class is in-person or online. To help our customers better organise both in-person and online classes, we redesigned the confirmation experience to make it easy to customise and personalise the experience whatever the circumstances.

We've made it easier to have different joining instructions and special procedures sent to each unique segment of customers depending on the class or venue they are attending - including online.

The perfect confirmation email is always tailored to your customer experience.

How to make a confirmation email in TeamUp

TeamUp makes creating confirmation emails easy. There is no limit, so you can add any number of tailored customer confirmation emails. These emails can be segmented and customized by class type, venue, or online venue. We also provide a default version that will work without any changes needed. You can quickly see an overview of all your confirmation emails.

image of a confirmation email registration

You can add any number of emails. For example, you could have just one for online and one for in-person. Or you could have unique messages for every combination you want to create. The system intelligently selects the most recent message for any particular group, and each customer will only ever receive one email.

image of adding an email to your confirmation email

To save you time, you can send the same confirmation email to all registrations or select one or more class types. These settings can be changed in the future if you want to alter or update them for specific class types or venues.

information regarding class type

You can send the same confirmation email to all venues, or select one or more, including online to tailor messaging for different circumstances. Whether you are confirming a customer's attendance at your studio in-person or online, your online classes are considered their very own venue, which will help your customer identify the difference between the two.

information regarding the venue in the confirmation email

You can send the same message every time a customer registers or just the first time they register for the combination you've selected. You can also update this if you decide later it should be one or the other.

advanced options for sending a customer's first registration email

To make your confirmation emails even more personal for each of your individual customers, you can use a placeholder in both the subset line and the body of your email and include either their name or their first name. This is another small detail that will go the extra mile in making your customer feel recognised and special, especially before attending their first class with you.

image of a customisable email for customers

You can then include a positive message and let them know you will see them in class.

image of confirmation email finished

Don't forget to go over all the text before you send it to make sure there are no missing details. You can then check the combination of filters and settings you selected before creating your confirmation and sending it to your customers.

customer confirmation registrations

Each time your customer books they will receive the email according to the rules you have set. Congratulations! You have officially confirmed your customer's booking and they can begin preparing and getting excited about their class. Customer confirmations are just one of the hundreds of customer features that are included with TeamUp, including customised birthday emails, referrals, and more. We make regular updates so make sure to subscribe to our email updates list below to never miss an important update.


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