How to write the best titles and descriptions for your classes

4 min read
It's hard to find the perfect words to describe why your class is right for customers embarking on their fitness journey. We explored hundreds of titles and descriptions and discovered the formula that you can use to create your own.

It's hard to find the perfect words to describe why your class is right for customers embarking on their fitness journey. We explored hundreds of titles and descriptions and discovered the formula that you can use to create your own.

It's difficult to describe a class. Customers (especially first-time customers) don't know what to expect. They're looking for a class that meets them at their fitness level, reflects their temperament, and makes them feel at home. That's a lot to ask of a few sentences!

picture of a relaxing yoga class

What makes a good class listing?

First-time customers also have a lot of questions and answers. And, while we see a lot of beautiful websites out there, some of them lack detail.

A booking system can only go so far to manage your classes. It certainly reduces the number of questions from customers about time and location and confirmation... but what it can't do is describe your class for you.

So what does the perfect class listing do? It gives quick, clear information about the fitness level, the tone, and any required prerequisites. Here are a few things we've learned about class listings.

The worst class titles

The biggest mistakes we see in class descriptions are related to 1. repeated information and 2. missing information. If you are using a booking system, you don't need to write the same thing as in the automatic listing. Here are some examples:

  • Don't include the price in the title. It's already there. i.e. "Beginners Class £5"
  • Do explaining what the class actually is. "Beginners" isn't enough. "Beginner's outdoor bootcamp" is descriptive and specific.
  • Do set up venues properly. Don't rely on the class title to do that work for you i.e. "Beginners Bootcamp Woodtree Park" is unnecessary if you have a booking system already.

The best class titles

Using our bootcamp example, then a descriptive class title could be:

  • Bootcamp - Suitable for beginners and all levels
  • Bootcamp for beginners - Fun and intense workout
  • Bootcamp for beginners

Or if you want to have some fun with it...

  • Bootcamp for couch lovers
  • The lazy lady's bootcamp
  • In it for the pudding bootcamp

That last one is for me. Just take it from one of our customers, Create You UK. Owners Ryan and Caroline wanted to boost their class attendance for one of their glutes and abs classes, so they decided 'why not just change the name'? Keeping the class content exactly the same, they changed the name to "Butts n' Guts" and doubled their attendance. That's all it took, and now they have double the amount of people coming to that class weekly. A class title should be descriptive, fun, and engaging but it doesn't have to be long. It has to tell customers what they can expect from it and be attractive to the customer. Now the details of the class, that's what the description is for...

How to use class descriptions to sell

Class descriptions should answer all the most important questions. How hard is it? What activities does it include? Is there anything special about the class? Is special equipment required?

The most common issue with class descriptions is that there is not enough information in them.

If you're wondering what's missing from your class description, the best place to go is your experience with customers. What kind of questions do you get asked right now that you could use to improve the quality of your class descriptions?

Some questions might include:

  • What do I need to bring?
  • Do I need water?
  • What happens if it rains?
  • Is there parking? (this is also valid to add to venue descriptions)
  • What happens if I arrive late?
  • Is it suitable for beginners/pregnant women/kids/etc.

You'll find these questions in your Facebook messenger, WhatsApp, SMS history, and more. You probably can already think of them.

The more information in the description the less you will need to be contacted and the easier customers will find it to book so it's a win-win.

Use these directories... they're free!

If you're hosting online classes, please do not miss out on this awesome government-sponsored fitness directory in the UK: OpenActive connects you to SportEngland's online class directory including their new This Girl Can campaign (and lots more). You can find the OpenActive toggle on your integrations page in TeamUp's dashboard.

image of the integrations page in TeamUp showing the OpenActive settings

You've heard of ClassPass and maybe even MoveGB too. All of these can be helpful for the discovery of your classes... if you get the class names and descriptions right.

Whereas with your standard customers they will be able to read your website for more background around the content, the customers of these services only have the information you provide in TeamUp to help guide them to purchase.

Optimising the descriptions and names will help you get more bookings and receive less questions before new customers are able to commit to booking.

We'd love to hear examples of your class names that have been successful. Drop us a line on with your stories.

Thanks for reading!

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