Why Carly Britton chose TeamUp for her new online fitness business

3 min read
Learn how Carly Britton uses TeamUp to manage her virtual fitness business, Diligent Fitness.

Learn how Carly Britton uses TeamUp to manage her virtual fitness business, Diligent Fitness.



Being able to like prorate payments and the different options that you have for billing and you can change the structure of your membership and there are just all these different things you can do.

I'm Carly Britton and I'm an owner of Diligent Fitness out of Detroit, Michigan. Diligent Fitness is an online, or I should say, virtual fitness classes. And we do sessions of eight weeks. And we're brand new 2020 is when we started. Getting into starting to teach these classes and it just felt really unprofessional to be sending people links to my Zoom account all the time.

And so I figured there was a better way to go about signing people up, having them pay, having them pick the classes they wanted to choose. So just a lot of research reaching out to some of the people who I know train. Nobody was really any help like nobody knew about TeamUp. So now that I've found it I tell everybody this is really easy to use, really user-friendly, there's an app for your customers, so I really enjoy it. I found it because I was like, there has to be a better way than also paying $200 a month for other software. I'm like, there has to be a better way to do this. So that's what kind of led me to TeamUp.

Primarily for class registrations and now that I have a membership structure customers buy their membership through there, whether it's a class pack or an actual eight-week membership or the single class option. And now that there's an on-demand section, that's really clutch for me. I had never thought about using that before.

And then when the clients will come back and say, I missed class, is there a recording? Again it was like unprofessional because like here's my Google Drive situation. So it was really good to be able to send them to TeamUp so they could get their class videos off. Those are the primary uses that I'm using it for right now.

I think that I've been able to use it for that I just never thought, and it's really helped me conduct business a little better. Being able to like prorate payments and the different options that you have for billing and you can change the structure of your membership and there are just all these different things you can do that most of that stuff, I'm probably not even using till it's full capacity. But I think when my business is at a certain level, there will be things that I'm like, oh, I wonder if TeamUp can do that. And it probably does. I'm just not there yet. But there’s so much there. It’s kind of scary cause it's I'm not using it nearly to what the potential is.

Even though I run my own fitness business, I also have a trainer that I've recommended TeamUp to. I'm like, I'll help you set it up. I'll help you like figure it all out. Cause I think he could really benefit from something like this. So I definitely would recommend, and I have recommended.

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