Do more with TeamUp + BoxMate
The complete management solution
Bringing you performance tracking, community engagement, and powerful CRM/business tools.
Try BoxMate for free
One app to do it all
BoxMate integrates TeamUp seamlessly into its app, giving your members a single place to do everything, including workout and strength tracking, class bookings, engaging with other members, and receiving news and communications from coaches.
Built for CrossFit, Functional, SGPT, and Weightlifting
Trusted by 45,000 members and 2,500 coaches across 300 TeamUp gyms worldwide.
Workout tracking
Program your sessions with our fast and flexible builder for workouts and exercises.
Use existing accounts
Members use their TeamUp account to log in, giving instant access to all information.
Upsell products
Display your store and announce products using notifications and emails directly in the app.
Get set up in minutes
Use your existing TeamUp account to configure a live BoxMate trial.
1. Create
Click here to get started with a BoxMate trial account using the all-new quick installer.
2. Link
Select your gym from the list and authorize TeamUp to link to BoxMate and redirect to their site.

3. Configure
On the BoxMate setup page, confirm the imported details are correct and configure your account.

4. Complete onboarding
Now signed into your trial account, complete the simple onboarding and book your 1-on-1 call.

5. Roll out
Roll out BoxMate and auto-invite your TeamUp customers. Watch your members loving their new app!
“ Choosing TeamUp + BoxMate was one of the best decisions we made when setting up 'The Project'. They keep everything running smoothly for us and our members love it. There's exceptional customer service and support from setup to everyday activity, as well as the seamless integration. ”
Elliot Turner | The Project Health & Fitness

Frequently asked questions
Here are some common questions and answers about the BoxMate integration with TeamUp.
Which app will my members use daily?
The seamless integration means members, class bookings and everyday TeamUp actions all take place in BoxMate.
How do I get my members into BoxMate?
Once BoxMate is setup and you have been onboarded by the team, you will roll out to TeamUp customers with 2 clicks. They will be emailed an invite to download BoxMate and log in using their existing TeamUp account.
What does BoxMate add to what is already available?
Programming and workout tracking, in-app communications (news, announcements and questions), CRM, business health dashboard, and more!
How much does BoxMate cost?
BoxMate is priced at £0.90 per member monthly with a minimum charge of £30. As your member base grows above 100, the rate is reduced. Full pricing and a calculator can be found here.
Can I try it out for free?
Using our quick new setup, your accounts will be linked and you'll be up and running in 10 minutes. Plus, for a limited time, get an extended full access trial for 3 months!
Why two platforms and not just one?
Would you mind if you had to buy ingredients from two shops next door to each other to make the perfect meal?… BoxMate and TeamUp are specialists in their independent fields, integrating seamlessly rather than providing an all-in-one that does a lot of things “just okay”.
Is there a contract?
There's a rolling 30-day contract. If you don’t like what you see, there's no obligation.