All Memberships
Unlimited Monthly Membership
Hi, Join me on an Unlimited membership and be in your best shape and fitness level, there are 3, 12 week terms and you can attend as many of our sessions (36 weeks of classes) and these have been spread across 12 months. You will be in the best shape and can train with me 4 days a week.

This 45 minute classes feature full body workouts perfect for those who are looking for higher intensity without the impact! Combining elements of Conditioning which will fire up your metabolism, strength, agility training, running drills this workout burns fat, builds muscle, and will take your fitness to the next level! Cardio, Strength, flexibility everything in between! Modifications are offered for all levels. Dumbbells and a mat are required. Join us !

It is a monthly rolling membership with a minimum of 3 months commitment with a cancellation of 7 days to reduce to one day a week.

1 Day a Week Membership
Join us for a half membership of 4 sessions a month.

It's a monthly rolling membership of 36 weeks spread over 12 months

This membership is open at Esher Rugby Club, Reeds Weybridge, Xcel Walton Hub (track)