All Memberships
New Athlete Free Taster Session
Starts on the date of purchase. Never Expires.
Entitles all new athletes to one free taster session, at any group training session.

Can only be used once per athlete.

Two Group Training Sessions Per Week
Membership covers two group training sessions per week. Sessions must be for one athlete attending two sessions.
For two siblings attending one session each, purchase one group session per week, plus one additional session.

*Training sessions will run for 48 weeks per year.

One Additional Session Per Week
Membership covers one additional group training session per week. Can be used for the same athlete, or for a sibling. *Must be bought in conjunction with a main membership plan.

*Training sessions will run for 48 weeks per year.

5 Group Training Sessions
Starts on the date of purchase. Valid for 365 days.
Pack of 5 sessions; gives access to 5 group training sessions.

Maybe you want to try multiple locations out, or you are unsure whether you want to commit to training every week. This can be used anyway you want- weekly, monthly etc.

*Sessions valid for one year from the date of purchase.

Adult Bootcamp
Access to one group bootcamp session per week.

Monthly price is based on sessions being run 48 weeks per year.

2-week cancellation period applies.