Full Membership
Full Membership
Get Access to All Classes
This is a recurring membership
Junior Membership
This gets you access to the Junior MMA Classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 5pm. For ages 8 to 14.
Payment comes out on the 1st of the month. (apart from the first month)
Fight Team Plus
Get the benefits of everything in the Fight Team Membership + two 1-2-1 sessions a week.
Drop In
Starts on the date of purchase. Valid for 1 day.
Access to one class on day of purchase.
Yearly Membership
Starts on the date of purchase. Valid for 12 months.
This gets you a 12 months access to All OMMA classes.
General Timetable:
General Classes
Monday: 6pm-Gi BJJ | 7pm-Muay Thai
Tuesday: 6pm-Boxing | 7pm-Wrestling
Wednesday: 6pm-Striking | 7pm-No-Gi BJJ
Thursday: 6pm-No-Gi BJJ | 7pm-Striking
Friday: 6pm-Striking