Share your session with another and enjoy your very own teachers personalised programme.
Working out with a partner or friend is the ideal way to keep motivated.
The benefits of your 1-1 membership? - A 2-1 with your teacher (Please note there will be other teachers using they space at the same time)
- Priority booking with your favourite teacher
- Assessment and progressive check ins
- Community events
- Online class access
- Homework exercises
- Educational content: includes exercise of the month tutorial
What happens if I need to cancel? There is no tie in, you can cancel at any time. Please note, if cancelling close to the payment date, your payment may still be taken and a charge will apply for refunds.
£375.00 per month
Terms and conditions
This membership bills every month. The first payment is due on the membership's start date. This membership entitles the purchaser to a full or partial discount on events/classes offered by the business. Some classes/events may be excluded from this membership. Unless otherwise noted, this membership is non-transferable. Your payment details will be securely stored in our system for the duration of the membership.