Basic Mat (1 class per week term time)
Simplified membership
This membership offers a guaranteed spot on your preferred class each week. You pay the same amount each month.
We provide 12 sessions per term, i.e. 12 classes in Autumn term, 12 classes in Spring term, 12 classes in Summer term, making a total of 36 classes altogether.
We calculate the cost of 36 sessions over the year, and divide this equally into 12 monthly payments so you know how much you will be paying.

Most of our teachers take their holidays during school holidays (August, Christmas, Easter) so usually your 12 sessions will be offered during school term time.

If you would like to take more than 36 classes per year, why not choose a Year-Round membership to get 50 classes per year, or Gold membership for 72 classes?

Class Swaps
You can swap your days as many times as you like! Unable to make your regular class? Not a problem, simply cancel your regular slot (at least 24 hours before the session starts) and re-book for another class.

If you miss a week, you can carry one class over into the next month and take it the following month.

This is a rolling payment plan with no contracts.

What you get with your membership:
- Automatic booking into your favourite class 8 weeks ahead for your convenience
- Your own massage ball to ease away tension in your back, neck and shoulders and feet
- Simple app to see your upcoming classes and easily swap your class at the click of a button
- Access to our full library of recorded classes, over 30 different classes to choose from to make home practice easy
- Weekly classes with support from your dedicated teacher supporting you every step of the way
- Invitation to our members only Spring Ceidlidh
- 15% members only discount code for retreats, 1-1s and workshops
- Easy monthly payments collected by direct debit to make your life easier

Equates to £10 per class
  • £30.00 per month
    Terms and conditions
    This membership bills every month. Payment for the first partial period will be prorated according to the days remaining in the period. This membership entitles the purchaser to a full or partial discount on events/classes offered by the business. Some classes/events may be excluded from this membership. Unless otherwise noted, this membership is non-transferable. Your payment details will be securely stored in our system for the duration of the membership.