Community Supported Membership
We believe that movement and wellbeing should be as accessible and inclusive as possible but we also recognise that this is not always the case. We're lucky enough to be a CIC (Community Interest Company) which means that we exist solely for the benefit of our community, and our community is able to help us out in offering our supported price memberships.

This membership doesn't cover the costs required to offer our services but is instead paid for by the generous donations of our community. Our standard memberships 'pay what we need' enable us to pay our coaches a living wage, pay the monthly costs of running a business and maintaining a facility but our 'pay it forwards' memberships add a donation which enable us to be more inclusive.

We offer our memberships based solely on affordability and there is no proof of this requirement, we trust that our attendees will honestly select the membership appropriate to them at that time.

We suggest that this membership may be appropriate (but is not limited) to those living on various forms of benefits and student finance, carers, single parent households, pensioners and those with limited work.

We also recognise that this membership may be a stretch for you right now. If, for whatever reason, you are struggling to meet your costs on a monthly basis, but feel you would benefit from an inclusive community offering movement for fun and wellbeing, email for how we can support you in achieving this.
  • £20.00 per month
    Terms and conditions
    This membership bills every month. The first payment is due on the membership's start date. This membership entitles the purchaser to a full or partial discount on events/classes offered by the business. Some classes/events may be excluded from this membership. Unless otherwise noted, this membership is non-transferable. Your payment details will be securely stored in our system for the duration of the membership.