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Facebook ads for yoga studios:     (with Examples)

Written by Vicki Morillo | Jul 13, 2023 2:04:00 PM

Despite a few roadblocks and controversies, Facebook still is deemed the most popular social media platform with almost 3 billion monthly active users. Meta, Facebook’s parent company, strives to implement integrated environments that link all of its services. Therefore, it’s essential to use Facebook marketing and ads for yoga studios to reach a wider range of audiences. 

In addition to user volume, the diversity of services makes behavior tracking much more efficient. Targeting a particular demographic is easier and more accurate through Facebook Ads than other platforms. Moreover, as multiple ad formats like videos, texts, images, and carousels are allowed, you can choose ads that fit your marketing goals. 

In this article, we’ll go through the types of ads suitable for yoga studios, how to set up those ads, and a few tips. We’ll also look at examples of successful yoga studio Facebook Ads to inspire your next campaign. 

Types of Facebook Marketing Suitable for Yoga Businesses

Typically, Facebook Ads are cheaper and easier to set up, especially when compared to print and TV ads. Depending on your budget and yoga classes, it may take a few cents more to optimally set your ads. Here are a few cost-effective ad types that work well for yoga studios. 

Video ads

Most yoga studios use Facebook Video ads to showcase their studio space and introduce the decor, lighting, and ambiance to prospects. Keep videos short and warm to give a friendly vibe. Introducing your yoga teachers is equally effective in video ads. Make a separate video ad for each yoga teacher or make a collection. These ads create a sense of trust and authenticity around your yoga studio. 

Highlight your classes and emphasize the benefits of attending them through your video ads. Showcase everything from gentle yoga to power yoga. Keep the focus on making your audience understand what to expect when coming to your studio. 

Special events, client testimonials, and other yoga demonstrations can also be presented through Facebook Video ads. 


Image ads

Facebook allows images to be demonstrated as ads to your custom audiences. As a yoga studio, you may find videos more appealing for your purpose, but images are often used for announcements, offering free trials, and sharing testimonials. Using high-quality visuals is critical to make image ads more effective. 

Promote your upcoming events with Facebook Image ads. Whether you have past visuals or not, focus on using images like outdoor yoga sessions and group sessions to radiate a sense of community to your custom audiences. Being an emotional wellness promoter, yoga thrives on the presence of community. 

Moreover, use image ads to share a plethora of testimonials. Use real-life positive client images and their experience with your gym to promote your yoga studio. Carefully place other visuals and texts to implement a strong call to action in the ads.  

Carousel ads

Carousel ads allow Facebook users to showcase up to 10 videos or images with their individual links on Facebook, Messenger, Instagram, and Audience Network. You can highlight different services, yoga mats, and yoga teachers through these ads. 

You also can choose to share client testimonials in a more streamlined scrollable element through carousel ads. If you offer personal yoga trainers, highlighting the expertise and experience of each of them through carousels can bring significant engagement and conversion. 

Moreover, it’s possible to separately highlight different classes and services with their membership fees and offers in a single carousel ad. As carousel ads allow individual links, you can directly guide your audience to the appropriate page on your website. 

Instant Experience ads

Instant Experience ads open in an instant and keep your audience completely submerged in your Instant Storefront, where your products and services are showcased in a grid format, ready to interact with. 

The instant Customer Acquisition feature of these ads also allows you to put your mobile-optimized landing page directly on users’ feeds. As well as increasing engagement, it helps you generate yoga studio leads more easily. 

Instant Storytelling is a visually enriching element of Instant Experience ads that offers scrollable storytelling opportunities with text, videos, and images of your yoga studio. Put your client and instructor success stories in front of your prospects through these ads. 

Feature your services directly in the images of your Instant Experience ads with Instant Lookbook. While mostly used for products, it can be used for yoga subscriptions and cross-selling opportunities. 

How to Advertise Your Yoga Studio with Facebook Ads Manager

Let’s set up your Facebook Ads account in this step-by-step guide. 

Step 1

Create a Meta Business Suite or Business Manager Account here. Once you’ve created your ad account, continue to create a payment method to avoid hassle later. You must also have a Facebook Page to start creating campaigns.

Step 2

On the Ads Manager page, click the “Create” button on the left. It’ll show options to choose the campaign objectives. Options may include Awareness, Traffic, Engagement, Leads, Sales, and App Promotion. Choose an objective depending on your goals. Choose traffic if you want to create an Instant Experience ad. 

Step 3

Set a campaign name and click next. 

Step 4

Set a conversion location between Website, App, Messenger, WhatsApp, or Calls. Next, set the performance goals and costs per result goal (optional). 

Step 5

Adjust the budget and schedule for your campaign. Depending on the nature of your yoga studio operation, you can create a schedule for the ad.

Step 6

Create your audience. Carefully choose the demographics you want to show your ads to. Determine the location, age, behavior, interests, and other components to target the appropriate yoga audience. 

Step 7

Upload or create your Ad Creatives, destinations, and texts to complete the campaign setup. If you’ve chosen the Instant Experience, you need to choose between the 4 available options to start generating the Collections.  

Step 8

Publish your ad and wait for the review. 

Facebook Advertising Tips and Strategies for Yoga Studios

Here are a few tips and strategies for creating a Facebook Ad that are successfully used by other yoga studios. 

Know your audience

Ensure you know and understand your target audience before creating the Ads Audience and ads. Missing or overlapping interests and behaviors produce negative results and an underwhelming ad performance. For example, if your ad is targeted to an audience with an interest in both Power Yoga and Bikram Yoga and shares the same location, the ad budgets are wasted. 

Monitor ad performance

Always keep track of how ads are performing. Implement A/B testing and other tweaking methods to maximize their efficiency. Ensure you understand Click through rate (CTR), Impressions, Frequency, Delivery, Cost per checkout, and other metrics of your Facebook Ad to determine the best course of action for your campaigns. 

Focus on the hook

Thanks to the limited attention span of users, you need to extensively focus on the hook of your Facebook Ads strategy. Hooks are the first impressive elements that make viewers stick to your ad. It may be a visual, a line of text, or a clip. Whatever applies to your ad, make sure to optimize it. 

Include strong CTAs

Calls to action are elements present at the end of the ads, in the form of buttons, texts, or links. They typically encourage users to take action with the info delivered through the ad. Strong CTAs use powerful words and strategies filled with discounts, offers, and free classes to attract prospects to your yoga studio. 

Install Facebook Pixel on your website

Unlock the true potential of Facebook Ads strategy by installing a small code, called Pixel, on your website. The Pixel allows you to track the behavior of the traffic coming from Facebook to your website. You can then make any necessary adjustments and retarget your existing prospects. 

Keep your ads running

A lot of beginner marketers keep tweaking their ads every few hours or days to maximize their performance. However, that rarely works for new campaigns. As the algorithms need a few days—optimally a week—to adjust to the objective and engagements of your ads, give your ad room to grow before you start tweaking it. 


Best Facebook Ads for Yoga Studio Examples


Yoga With Adriene

With 773.6K followers on Facebook, Yoga With Adriene thrives on community engagement and group yoga classes. Most of their Facebook Ads are full of positive vibes and CTAs offering free weekly classes. Notice how their choice of visuals resonates with their copywriting.

CorePower Yoga

One of the most popular yoga studios in the U.S., CorePower Yoga has 177.4K likes on Facebook. Experienced in various yoga classes and fitness routines, their community strives to implement modern workouts in traditional efforts. See how fire bullet points, videos, and strong CTAs make their ads compelling. 

Kino Yoga

Kino Yoga has 671.8K followers on Facebook through organic marketing efforts. While ads were run a few times, organic traffic is still their primary source of engagement. They rely on their own videos and sponsorship deals to promote content on Facebook. The CTA is a bit longer but the offer compensates it. 



The bottom line

This article discusses the types of Facebook Ads suitable for yoga studios. While video ads, image ads, and carousel ads are more popular, Instant Experience ads are gaining traction. We’ve also provided a detailed guide on how to set up your first ad, a few tips, and examples of Facebook Ads from prominent studios.