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DMYoga Online

Come with us on a journey to Joy through Energy Medicine Yoga, Meditations, sound and much more.

New videos will be added regularly. You will have access to online courses and be the first to know about retreats and special events.

Start where you are. If you are new to Energy Medicine Yoga do begin with the Beginners Course as it will give you an understanding of why this style of Yoga is so unique and powerful.

I am so pleased you have found us.


Chair/Seated Yoga
Chair yoga involves modifying yoga poses so they can be done while seated.
With the support of a chair, the benefits of yoga become accessible to even more people, regardless of age, flexibility level, injuries, or mobility issues.

These classes include elements of Energy Medicine to energise you and encourage healing.

Start where you are and do what you can. Your mobility will build over the sessions. You should stop if you are in pain.
