Free Group Training (Week Trial)
Starts on the date of purchase. Valid for 7 days.
Experience a complimentary trial of our dynamic and results-driven fitness program designed to elevate your workouts to the next level.

During this free trial, you'll have the opportunity to join a group session led by our certified trainers who specialize in tailoring workouts to individual needs within a supportive group setting. Our sessions blend various training techniques, including strength training, HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training), cardiovascular exercises, flexibility, and functional movements.

What to expect during your free trial:

A warm welcome and introduction to our training facility and team.
A comprehensive fitness assessment to understand your fitness level, goals, and any specific needs or limitations you might have.
Participation in a live group training session, experiencing firsthand the energy and motivation of our group dynamic.
Expert guidance and coaching throughout the session to ensure proper form, technique, and encouragement.
At the conclusion of your trial, you'll have the chance to discuss your experience with our trainers. They'll provide personalized recommendations based on your goals and fitness assessment, guiding you on how our program can help you achieve your desired results.

Join us for this complimentary trial to experience the difference our group personal training can make in your fitness journey. Embrace the challenge, feel the camaraderie, and take the first step towards achieving your fitness goals. Sign up now and unlock your potential!

Terms and Conditions

This membership will entitle the purchaser to a partial or complete discount on event(s)/class(es) offered by the business. Some classes/events may be excluded from this membership. This membership cannot be refunded. Unless otherwise noted, this membership is non-transferable. See the details above for more information.