Nourish Your Nervous Nerves
Starts on the date of purchase. Never Expires.
45 Minute Monthly sessions to restore you and reset your resilience.

Except August when the sun will be nurturing your nerves!

This membership provides you with 1 session on a pay as you go basis.

When do you actually pause to focus on you during the week? And I don’t mean to catch up on social media scrolling!
During times of prolonged stress and or exposure to perimenopause our brain rewires. With the fight or flight part of the brain (amygdala) becoming more heightened. Long term, the increase in stress hormones creates inflammation causing other health conditions as well as acerbating stress conditions and menopausal symptoms.

A lack of oestrogen increases anxiety. Stress and sleep disruption increases cortisol. Our food desires change increasing insulin resistance and metabolic disorders. All of these factors lead to an over active limbic system and a disruption to the ‘thinking’ part of your brain that’s in charge of executive decision making.

We end up going round in circles and not knowing how to reset.

These 45 minute sessions of somatic release are going to be in valuable to you.
Somatic release helps to reset the nervous system using mind and body techniques to discharge emotional tension and stress that’s stored in the body due to the limbic system being heighted.
Helping to nourish your nervous system, storing new patterns to help re wire and providing you with a tool box to go to for when you need it.

Each session will have a different focus. Slowing down your brain waves with simple movement and breathing. Scar work and pelvic embodiment – ideal for anyone who’s had surgical traumas.
Breath reset. Breath mechanics play a huge role in how our brain is stimulated and vice versa. It is the one function of the autonomic system that we can consciously control in order to reset into its subconscious pattern.
These sessions are suitable for everyone, no experience is required, all injuries welcome.

Zoom is a perfect place to host it as you can choose to turn your video off and immerse yourself into this precious 45 minutes for you and your wellbeing.

Recordings will be available for 7 days if you can’t make a live session.

3 monthly Memberships cost £15.00 per session at £13.75 per month ( 11 sessions per year)

Pay as you go £18.00 per session

Terms and Conditions

This membership will entitle the purchaser to a partial or complete discount on event(s)/class(es) offered by the business. Some classes/events may be excluded from this membership. This membership cannot be refunded. Unless otherwise noted, this membership is non-transferable. See the details above for more information.