Athlete Development Programme 2024-2025 - Full Season Membership (1 x session per week)
Starts on Sept. 2, 2024. Expires July 20, 2025.
Athlete Development Programme 2024-2025 (Full Season)
ADP 2 - Monday 2nd September 2024 - Saturday 19th July December 2025

1 x per week = £465
2 x per week = £635

Perform For Sport's Athlete Development Programme is a strength and conditioning plan designed to improve an athletes physcial capabailites. Improve your strength, power, speed and agility, as well as helping you remain robust and injury free throughout the season.

A structured and individualised plan is given to every athlete to meet their sporting needs.

Every sessions is coached and supervised by one of our expert strength and condtioning coaches.

Athlete Development Programme membership Includes performance testing at no additional charge. Performance Testing takes place in our half-term periods.

Athlete's can join at anypoint throughout the season at a prorated rate.

*If you would like to attend more than 2 x per week please contact us directly at for bespoke packages. Team and group training options are also available.

Terms and Conditions

This membership will entitle the purchaser to a partial or complete discount on events/classes offered by the business for Starts on 2 Sep 2024. Expires 20 Jul 2025.. Some classes/events may be excluded from this membership. Unless otherwise noted, this membership is non-transferable. See the details above for more information.