Fitness Membership - 2 classes per week
This membership is for Fit-camps, Strength and HIIT classes only, 2 sessions per week.
You don’t have to commit to the same classes each week. If you can’t attend your scheduled class, you can change the booking up to 2h before class starts.
Excludes any running, hiking or other events.
To see the current full class schedule here or view the schedule.

Once you've submitted and chosen your Membership and Payment option, you will be redirected to the Schedule to SELECT your 2 classes per week.
Choose: BOOK - for single sessions and return each week to book your next session OR
Choose: BEGIN A NEW RESERVATION: for booking recurring classes. Once a day is selected (Reservation is made), this class booking will continuously roll forward for 5 weeks in advance. You have to do this twice, for each session separately.

Go to My Account/Registrations and select the class you want to cancel. Click on Details and choose to ‘leave class’ to cancel a single session. Then simply BOOK another class using your existing membership. You would use this on an ad-hoc basis when you can’t make your usual class and come on another day instead.

If you want to change your recurring day or class for the upcoming weeks.
Go to My Account/Reservations and select the recurring class you want to cancel. Click on Details and Manage and Cancel the Reservation. Then simply select another class using your existing membership, making sure you opt for ‘BEGIN A NEW RESERVATION’. You would use this, when you can no longer make the same day/class every week going forward and would like to swap the recurring to another day.

You can amend both options at any time if you stay within the 2h cancellation period.
*Phone App: You can use the 'Teamup Members' phone app once you have set up your membership to easily join/leave classes

PAYMENT OPTION: 1 Standing Order
Please set up a monthly Standing Order on the 1st (latest 10th) of the month using your own online banking system.
(Current members may have already set this up. You can leave this as it is)
To do this select: CASH in TeamUp and I will reconcile the monthly Standing order of £43.30 with your TeamUp account.
Bank: Simone Dill (t/as Back on Track Running and Fitness)
Account: 74038124 Sort Code: 60-83-71

PAYMENT OPTION 2 Credit/Debit Card
Select: Credit/Debit Card to set up a recurring payment each month from your Debit or Credit card via Stripe using our integrated TeamUp payment system.
Its a safe and quick way to process your payment. Note: This payment option will inur extra card transaction fees to Back on Track.

See terms & conditions for more detail.
Thank you for considering joining Back on Track.
  • £47.00 per month
    Terms and conditions
    BILLING: This membership bills on the 1st of every month. Payment for the first partial period will be prorated according to the days remaining in the period. To avoid a daily proration, use payment option 1 (Standing order). Unless otherwise noted, this membership is non-transferable. Your payment details will be securely stored in our system for the duration of the membership.

    BILLING DURING TERM BREAKS: Please note: We train during term times. There is a reduced class schedule over half terms and summer holidays.
    The monthly fee has been calculated to remain the same even if it includes reduced sessions such as half term or holidays. Recurring payment will continue during these times.

    CANCELLATIONS: You have total control of your membership and its billing. You can cancel your membership within a 7 days’ notice period. If you are using the TeamUp payment system, a refund for the remaining partial period will be prorated according to the days remaining in the period. If you do cancel, please email You can upgrade and downgrade memberships in My Account/Memberships.

    If you have any questions please contact Simone,