45 Min PT Session
Starts on the date of purchase. Valid for 12 weeks.
See huge improvements in your chosen goals and attain the knowledge to help you continue to advance your skills & confidence in fitness.

A good personal trainer is part coach, part cheerleader, part kinesiologist, part physicist, and part fan. We’d like to think we know more about building habits and creating workouts you’ll love than anyone else. These days, we find ourselves doing a lot of things that others won’t and we keep pushing ourselves to find new techniques for our clients. We’re comfortable being uncomfortable.

Even our personal trainers coach and train each other. Everyone needs a coach! Your path to self-betterment starts with an assessment: what are you already doing right? How can we use your strengths to leverage improvement…how can we help you get used to success? Key to the perfection of technique and effective scaling of workouts is the Coach.

Jersey CrossFit trainers are some of the best in Jersey; many have over 10 years experience, hold a minimum 3-year degree and some are accredited with the UKSCA! More importantly: they love coaching. They love helping people progress!

At the end of your session your Coach will feedback to you any new prescriptions that you could benefit from based on the analysis of the session.

Terms and Conditions

This membership will entitle the purchaser to a partial or complete discount on event(s)/class(es) offered by the business. Some classes/events may be excluded from this membership. This membership cannot be refunded. Unless otherwise noted, this membership is non-transferable. See the details above for more information.