Invert Clinic with Kim

Struggling with your invert? Deadlift invert seem impossible? Nailed your invert but can't figure out how could possibly do that up the pole? 

Our summer invert clinic is a Strength & Conditioning class focused solely on improving your strength and technique for flawless inverts. 

We will be conditioning on and off the pole, breaking your inverts down into stages and targeting areas of weakness to improve the overall movement. For those that can already invert we will then take this up the ole, looking at how we take this movement and recreate it up the pole and on spin. 

Suitable for Beginner to Intermediate level students - pease drop us a message if you are unsure whether the course would be suitable for you. 

This is an 8 week course, with 2 payments of £32.50 (one on sign up and one the following month) which will book you into all 8 classes. Please see the Invert Clinic Membership for the full T&C's of this course.