Resistance Bands - Heavy - Blue - 2 Mtrs

The perfect length, the perfect resistance for all our classes.

A heavier band - intermediate/advanced - equivalent to 2.6 KG's.

A superior band product for resistance training and rehabilitation, provides both positive and negative force on muscles and joints, stretches, tones and conditions all major muscle groups.

Improves strength, range of motion and flexibility in a simple to use, portable product that works in the clinic, the gym, at home, or on the road
Color-coded progressive resistance system allows users to recognize improvement as it happens, as you grow stronger you can move up to the next color.

Non-latex professional resistance bands with no scent and no powder meet the needs of patients, practitioners and personal users with latex allergies, and are the best option for facilities and hospitals with a "no latex policy"

Six inch wide fitness bands are easy to store and transport in a gym bag or backpack for on the go personal and professional application.


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