Bootcamp • Unlimited
Select any number bootcamps per month online, ideally at the latest, 24 hours in advance.
Bootcamp sessions MUST be booked online after membership purchase.
Once you have set up your account and membership your bookings are best managed via the App: 'TeamUp Members'
  • £70.00 per month
    Terms and conditions
    This membership will be billed monthly and will entitle the purchaser to a partial or complete discount on events/classes offered by the business. Some classes/events may be excluded from this membership. Unless otherwise noted, this membership is non-transferable. See the details on the "Description" tab for more information.

    Payments will be charged automatically each month on the 1st (first) of the month. The initial payment will be prorated for a partial month, as necessary, calculated as (number of days remaining in the month)/(monthly fee).

    This membership may be cancelled at any point to prevent billing for additional months. If cancelled after the 15th of the current month, the following month will be billed in full. Refunds will not be issued for partial months.