Level 3 Diploma in Coaching Olympic Weightlifting
Starts on the date of purchase. Valid for 365 days.
This course is the most comprehensive coaching qualification that BWL have released to date which takes into account an athletes long term development as well as the different areas of weightlifting performance including technical and physical performance as well as preparation and performance mindset.

What will I learn?

To be successful in the sport of weightlifting requires athletes to lift over a long period of time. The Level 3 Diploma in Coaching Olympic Weightlifting recognises this and gives coaches insight into long term athlete development. It takes the Complete British Weightlifter, British Weight Lifting’s long term athlete
development strategy and provides insights to coaches.

You will be introduced to the coaching theory and practice for weightlifting where you will understand the underpinning theory behind motor learning which involves improving the smoothness and accuracy of movements linked to the Olympic lifts. You will learn how to apply that theory, how to think critically about the types of interventions to your athletes and have a clear understanding of British Weight Lifting’s ‘What it Takes to Win’ model.

You will learn the technical underpinning for weightlifting which includes biomechanical concepts, effective weightlifting technique and the relevance of key derivative exercises in coaching. You will understand how to critically evaluate technique using the British Weight Lifting decision making process and develop your knowledge to be able to think critically about how to structure training to help
athletes make effective technical changes.

The course looks at long term planning and organisation for weightlifting factoring in different stages of an athlete’s development. In addition, you will understand how to prepare for weightlifting competitions where you will learn how to be able to identify the key principles behind world class performance and have the knowledge to prepare an athlete physically for competition.

You will be able to achieve this qualification after you have successfully completed a selection of online assessment. The course has been structured to allow you to do this from home with support from a BWL Educator who will guide you through the assessment process.

What does this course qualify me to do?

This course will provide the advanced level of knowledge needed to deliver a comprehensive Olympic Weightlifting coaching programme to support athletes throughout their weightlifting journey.


You must be at least 18 years of age on the first day of the course, hold your Level 2 certificate in Coaching Olympic Weightlifting and have completed the following CPD's - BWL Equality, Diversity and Inclusivity; BWL Safeguarding (refresher) and BWL Lift Clean Awareness.

Candidates must be able to communicate effectively in English and will require a laptop or computer to access the e-learning. Knowledge of windows including Word and Excel is also essential.

Terms and Conditions

This membership will entitle the purchaser to a partial or complete discount on events/classes offered by the business for Starts on the date of purchase. Valid for 365 days.. If the start date of this membership has already passed, it will not be prorated for partial months/days, meaning the price is the same regardless of when purchased. Some classes/events may be excluded from this membership. Unless otherwise noted, this membership is non-transferable. See the details above for more information.