3 Sessions Per Week
A three-times-weekly membership to CrossFit is an excellent option for individuals who are committed to improving their overall fitness and want to see faster results. With this membership, you will be able to attend three CrossFit classes per week, held at designated times and locations.

Attending three CrossFit classes per week will give you an opportunity to not only improve your physical fitness but also increase your cardiovascular endurance, and develop strength in various muscle groups. This will help you in achieving your overall fitness goals and get the most out of your membership. You'll also see an improvement in your ability to perform functional movements with proper form and technique as you practice more frequently.

CrossFit classes are led by certified coaches who will guide you through a workout that typically includes a warm-up, a strength or skill-based movement, and a high-intensity "workout of the day" (WOD). Each class is designed to be scalable, meaning that the coach will work with you to adjust the workout to your individual fitness level, whether you are a beginner or a more experienced athlete.

The three times a week membership schedule will give you the opportunity to get into the workout routine and make it a habit, the regularity of the classes will allow your body to adapt and get better at the functional movements. It also provides enough recovery time in between classes to prevent injury and help you avoid burnout.

Attending CrossFit classes three times a week is a great way to make significant progress towards your fitness goals, and will provide a challenging, yet rewarding workout experience.
  • £60.00 per month
    Terms and conditions
    This membership bills every month. The first payment is due on the membership's start date. This membership entitles the purchaser to a full or partial discount on events/classes offered by the business. Some classes/events may be excluded from this membership. Unless otherwise noted, this membership is non-transferable. Your payment details will be securely stored in our system for the duration of the membership.