CrossFit Bury Winter Throwdown - The CrossFit Open
Begins on the date of the first registration. Valid for 3 weeks.
DEPOSIT PAYMENT (+£10 per night)

CrossFit Bury Winter Throwdown (February/March)

What it is / Who is it for?
For any and all who want to work together to test their fitness and teamwork against peers and to experience the heart-pumping excitement of competition in a safe and streamlined, yet small-scale setting. We know the comfort of a familiar environment can do a lot to soothe those competition jitters!

What are the event details?
The Winter edition will be slightly different that the Summer Throwdown we did.
For the Winter edition, we will follow the CrossFit Open worldwide official competition. Basically, 3 workouts accross 3 weeks: each workout is release on a weekly basis and we will gather all on Friday afternoon/evening to complete them. This will inclusive regardless of gymnastic and weigfhts capacity
Each Friday night will have a theme and additional point and trophy will be awarded for best costum, spirit of the evening and more, additionally to the fitness performance itself.

When is it?
Saturday 8:30-11:30AM followed by coffees and muffins
Workout 1 is 2nd March
Workout 2 is 9th March
Workout 3 is 16th March

Terms and Conditions

This membership will entitle the purchaser to a partial or complete discount on events/classes offered by the business for Starts on 22 Feb 2019. Expires 22 Mar 2019.. If the start date of this membership has already passed, it will not be prorated for partial months/days, meaning the price is the same regardless of when purchased. Some classes/events may be excluded from this membership. Unless otherwise noted, this membership is non-transferable. See the details above for more information.