Summer Intensive

Welcome to your summer home for movement wisdom! 
Exchange, exert, exhaust, and expand! Join GALLIM and Andrea Miller for a week of GALLIM Methods, movement invention, GALLIM repertory, and creative processes with guest movement artists Mike Tyus and Luca Renzi! 

Build your nexus with GALLIM– participants will soak in a week of expanded creative fluency, personal expressivity, technical range, new connections, and community. 

Dates: Monday - Friday, August 19 - 23

Time: 10:00am - 5:00pm

Location: Hunter College | 694 Park Ave, New York, NY 10065



Open to all movers ages 16+ who have a strong interest in training in GALLIM methods, GALLIM repertory by Andrea Miller, and engaging in a range of creative processes with guest artists. Rigorous physical training in class, repertoire, and movement creation is a significant part of this intensive.

Tuition: $600

Tuition is non-refundable except in the case of a medical necessity.


Financial Aid: Thanks to the generosity of the Jody and John Arnhold | Arnhold Foundation, need-based financial assistance is available upon request. We encourage you to apply! Please see our website for more details and applications to Financial Aid

Emergent Artist Scholarship

Two full Emergent Artist Scholarships will be awarded to artists of the global marjority, including but not limited to Black and African American, Asian, Hispanic and Latino/a/x, Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander, American Indian, or Alaska Native, Middle Eastern or North African, and multiracial.

Applications close on June 17 participants will be notified before July 1.


Work Study Scholarship

Two full work study scholarships will be awarded. This opportunity is designed for students with an interest in arts administration and will include on-site responsibilities and may include administrative work before and after the intensive.

Work-Study applications close on June 17 participants will be notified by July 1.