All Memberships
Unlimited Membership - Couples
Join us on our Unlimited membership and have full access to all park and online sessions per month.

It's Just a monthly rolling membership, just provide us with 14 days notice to upgrade to full membership, freeze or cancel.
£75.00 per month

Unlimited Membership - Parent and child
Join us on our Unlimited membership and have full access to all park and online sessions per month for you and your child. The child must be 14 or under to qualify.

It's Just a monthly rolling membership, just provide us with 14 days notice to upgrade to full membership, freeze or cancel.
£60.00 per month

Unlimited Membership
Join us on our Unlimited membership and have full access to all park and online sessions per month.

It's Just a monthly rolling membership, just provide us with 14 days notice to upgrade to full membership, freeze or cancel.

Half Membership
Join us on our Half membership and get access to 5 park sessions per month and unlimited online sessions.

Student Unlimited
Join us on our student membership and improve your fitness faster, you can attend as many of our park and online sessions a month as you wish, including HiiT, yoga, and mobility and stretching.

It's Just a monthly rolling membership, just provide us with 14 days notice to upgrade to full membership, freeze or cancel.

*For full-time students only.
*Requires Student ID Card, please email a scanned copy to

10 Pack
Starts on the date of purchase. Valid for 4 months.
This pack of 10 memberships allows access to 10 sessions in the park over a 4-month period.

Free Trial Membership
Starts on the date of purchase. Valid for 30 days.

1 week free trial pack
Starts on the date of purchase. Valid for 7 days.
The holder of this 1 week free trial is entitled to attend as many in-person and online sessions as they wish during the week.