Semi Private Training
Semi private 1 session per week
This membership is for up to 4 sessions per month, typically 1 per week. You can spread the sessions out over the month as you wish.

30 Day trial 1 session per week
Begins on the date of the first registration. Valid for 30 days.
30 day trial for semi private training including one 30 minute consultation and 4 semi private training sessions, 1 to be used per week

30 Day Trial 2 sessions per week
Begins on the date of the first registration. Valid for 30 days.
The 30 Day Trial lets you try semi private training before committing to a monthly membership. All semi private and Forever fit sessions are included in the trial.
1 to 1 Training Remote training
The 'Get Strong' Package
A bespoke, sport specific strength and conditioning programme delivered via Trainerize to be completed either at home or at a gym of your choice.

Includes a 30 minute zoom discovery call before we start to get an idea of goals, limitations ect. After which a bespoke training and nutrition plan will be delivered via a training app. You will have unlimited contact via whatsapp, weekly check ins and a monthly zoom coaching call to discuss how the month has gone and what we are going to work on for the next month.

12 week nutrition coaching package
Starts on the date of purchase. Never Expires.
Bespoke nutrition coaching and support. Whether you are looking to lose weight, improve health markers, increase athletic performance or just need a little guidance and adherance this is the package for you.

This includes an initial 60 minute consultation to get a clear idea of where you are now, where you want to be and what needs to happen to get you there followed by weekly 30 minute coaching calls, 1 to 1 support and guidance throughout, information and education depending on your needs. No fad diets or restrictive meal plans. This is led by your goals, needs, preferences and life!