Flexibility - 5 Class Pack
Starts on the date of purchase. Valid for 8 weeks.
This class pack entitles you to 5 Flexibility classes.

You are able to attend as many flexibility classes in one week as you like, as long as the 5 classes are completed within a 8 week period. For example, you could do 2 classes one week, and none the next, so this is our most flexible option aside from Pay as you go.

Classes are booked on a 'first come - first served' basis.
We suggest that you book all 5 classes in advance when you purchase this pack. You can always change them during the term so long as you do so within the 12 hour cancellation period.

Terms and Conditions

This class pack is only valid for flexibility classes.
The Flexibility Class Pack x5 is valid for 10 weeks from the date of purchase.
You must register for all 5 classes. Please don't turn up to class without first registering for said class online, as you will not be able to take part.
24 hour cancellation notice for each class applies. This pack cannot be carried over or transferred.