PORTSMOUTH Classes - The Grand Skate Tour classes with LondonSkateLife

London Skate Life Presents…….The Grand Skate Tour!!!


Yes, we can smell the flowers, Spring is here and so is the ultimate skating event of 2024 here in the UK. Your trusted and skilled Skaters from London Skate Life are now delivering classes during the events across all cities listed in The GST.  For those who want to brush up on their skills, or learn something new entirely, we are here to guide you through with our Professional Qualified Skate Instructors, who have more than 10 years of teaching under their belt. We welcome everyone of all skating levels to have a look at what is in store for you!   


This Weekend we are in:  Portsmouth


German and Aurora inaugurate the GST Portsmouth with their classes. Please book this event, and on the day we will organise the students based on their class preference. 

 These are the simultaneous classes on offer: 


1. Skate cross basics with Aurora: Learn to handle sprints, sharp turns, drifts and small jumps. For indoor and outdoor performance.

2. Do & Don'ts Backwards with German: Learn to understand Backwards and Transitions and see how your slides, jumps, steps, slalom also improve. 


Entrance fee  £22. 


Please do not hesitate to contact us for more information: londonskatelife@gmail.com