Class Memberships
Summer Membership
Starts on May 25, 2024. Expires Aug. 25, 2024.
Take advantage of this Summer Membership special - 3 months of unlimited classes for only $199!
Valid from 5/25/24 - 8/25/24

5 Class Package
Begins on the date of the first registration. Valid for 90 days.
Buy a five class package for $85. Valid for 90 days from the first class.

Unlimited Class Membership - Single
This discounted price will apply to your membership for as long as it is kept active.
Additional benefits include: 10% off all retail merchandise; 10% off any workshops, special events, special classes or programming; 10% off any in-house treatments; 10% off Teacher Training Programs; 10% off retreats; and 10% off Personal Training services.

Unlimited Class Membership - Additional Person, Same Household
This discounted price will apply to your membership for as long as it and the Single Membership it was purchased with are both kept active. Additional benefits include: 10% off all retail merchandise; 10% off any workshops, special events, special classes or programming; 10% off any in-house treatments; 10% off Teacher Training Programs; 10% off retreats; and 10% off Personal Training services.
$108.00 per month

Unlimited Yearly Prepaid - Single
Begins on the date of the first registration. Valid for 365 days.
Pay for 10 months and get 2 months free!
Pay once and receive unlimited access to all regularly scheduled classes and programming for one full year.
Additional benefits include: 10% off all retail merchandise; 10% off any workshops, special events, special classes or programming;
10% off any in-house treatments; 10% off Teacher Training Programs; 10% off retreats and 10% off Personal Training services.

Unlimited Yearly Prepaid - Additional Person, Same Household
Begins on the date of the first registration. Valid for 365 days.
Pay for 10 months and get 2 months free! This membership is only available with the purchase of the Unlimited Yearly Prepaid Single Membership. Pay once and receive unlimited access to all regularly scheduled classes and programming for one year from date of purchase. Additional benefits include: 10% off all retail merchandise, 10% off any workshops, special events, and special classes or programming, 10% off any in-house treatments, 10% off Teacher Training Program, 10% off retreats; and 10% off Personal Training services.

Unlimited 1 Month Visitor
Begins on the date of the first registration. Valid for 30 days.
Here for a visit? This unlimited one month membership is for you. No commitment with a one time charge only.
Valid for 30 days from first use. Attend any of the regularly scheduled in-studio classes at Sangha New Bedford.

Yoga for Early Parkinson's
Starts on the date of purchase. Never Expires.
This membership entitles you to participate in the Yoga for Early Parkinson's 6 class series over 6 weeks.
Financial support is readily available through the American Parkinson’s Disease Association.

Sunrise Yoga @ Cisco
Starts on June 14, 2024. Expires Aug. 31, 2024.
Sunrise Yoga at Cisco Waterfront, Summer 2024 for 12 Weeks only!
Starting June 14th, every Friday at 6:30 am join the Sangha Team at Cisco Waterfront overlooking the sea for outdoor, sunrise yoga. This membership includes all 12 classes for the discounted rate of $199.
Bring a yoga mat or towel and water. Practice takes place in the sand at Cisco Brewers Waterfront
1482 E Rodney French Blvd, New Bedford, MA 02744

*In case of inclement weather, class will be held in studio at Sangha New Bedford
693 Purchase Street, NB MA 02740
Ananda Course in Meditation
Ananda Course in Meditation with Abundant Access to Resources: $199
Starts on the date of purchase. Never Expires.
The Ananda Course in Meditation is offered with 3 tiered pricing which allows for participants to pay what is within their financial means based on one's access to resources. By selecting the highest amount you can reasonably afford, you are supporting the course's ongoing availability. No questions are asked regarding your payment.

Ananda Course in Meditation with Sufficient Access to Resources: $149
Starts on the date of purchase. Never Expires.
The Ananda Course in Meditation is offered with 3 tiered pricing which allows for participants to pay what is within their financial means based on one's access to resources. By selecting the highest amount you can reasonably afford, you are supporting the course's ongoing availability. No questions are asked regarding your payment.

Ananda Course in Meditation with Limited Access to Resources: $99
Starts on the date of purchase. Never Expires.
The Ananda Course in Meditation is offered with 3 tiered pricing which allows for participants to pay what is within their financial means based on one's access to resources. By selecting the highest amount you can reasonably afford, you are supporting the course's ongoing availability. No questions are asked regarding your payment.
Donate $5
Starts on the date of purchase. Never Expires.
Your donation goes directly towards the Sangha Scholarship Fund.
This fund is used to provide programming for marginalized communities.

Donate $10
Starts on the date of purchase. Never Expires.
Your donation goes directly towards the Sangha Scholarship Fund.
This fund is used to provide programming for marginalized communities.

Donate $15
Starts on the date of purchase. Never Expires.
Your donation goes directly towards the Sangha Scholarship Fund.
This fund is used to provide programming for marginalized communities.

Donate $20
Starts on the date of purchase. Never Expires.
Your donation goes directly towards the Sangha Scholarship Fund.
This fund is used to provide programming for marginalized communities.

Donate $30
Starts on the date of purchase. Never Expires.
Your donation goes directly towards the Sangha Scholarship Fund.
This fund is used to provide programming for marginalized communities.

Donate $40
Starts on the date of purchase. Never Expires.
Your donation goes directly towards the Sangha Scholarship Fund.
This fund is used to provide programming for marginalized communities.

Donate $100
Starts on the date of purchase. Never Expires.
Your donation goes directly towards the Hearts & Heroes Fund for Alzheimers.
Private Training
Private Training x 1
Starts on the date of purchase. Never Expires.