Starts on the date of purchase. Never Expires.
S M A L L G R O U P P E R S O N A L T R A I N I N GSmall Group Personal Training or SGPT is our primary product.
So what is it? In short, it's personal training at less than a quarter of the cost. In depth; it's so much more than that.
Our full members have a full consultation to discuss their physical goals before they start their SGPT programme. Each member is then put on a semi bespoke programme designed to work around their aims.
As a Drop-In customer you will have a brief discussion at the start of your session and decide which program will work best for you in that particular session. This will be based on your goals, experience and training history.
Sessions are coached 1:8 Coach:Clients or 2:12 depending on class size.
Our coaches, who are all vastly experienced, are able to coach, adapt and push each member, while they in turn motivate one another in a fantastic group atmosphere.
Terms and Conditions
This membership will entitle the purchaser to a partial or complete discount on event(s)/class(es) offered by the business. Some classes/events may be excluded from this membership. This membership cannot be refunded. Unless otherwise noted, this membership is non-transferable. See the details above for more information.