All Memberships
Senior Gold Membership
The senior gold membership allows you to attend all four session a week on Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Sunday for only £50 a month, that’s less than £3.13p a session!

Junior Membership
The Junior membership starts at ages 6 up until the age of 12. It allows you to attend all 3 junior sessions a week on Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday! For only £45 a month that’s the equivalent to £3.75 a session!

Women’s Only Membership
The women’s only membership allows you to attend two session a week on Tuesday and Sunday for only £45 month, that’s less than £5.63 a session!

Senior Silver Membership
The senior silver membership allows you to attend any two senior session a week of your choice on either a Tuesday, Thursday, Friday or Sunday for only £45 a month, that’s less that £5.63 a session!