Begins on the date of the first registration. Valid for 45 days.
This offer is especially for Strength classes; Tue and Thu evenings but you can also use it for other classes. You'll receive 10 FREE sessions when your friend signs up for JOIN10PLUS- Membership (£50)but sessions have to be booked individually.
This option is for New Back on Track Members. This membership can only be booked between 1st May and 30th June, but you have 60 days to complete your 10 sessions.
Once you have completed the 10 sessions, you can switch to one of our Monthly Membership Option or the PAYG 5pack or email Simone.
Excludes any running, hiking or other events. To see the current full class schedule see
Once you've submitted your 'JOIN10PLUS' Membership and Payment option, you will be redirected to the Schedule to SELECT your classes.
Choose: BOOK - for single sessions and return to TeamUP to book your next session
Do not choose: BEGIN A NEW RESERVATION: as this would book recurring classes.
Go to My Account/Registrations and select the class you want to cancel. Click on Details and choose to ‘leave class’ to cancel a single session. Then simply BOOK another class using your existing membership 'Fitness JOIN10FRIEND'.
You can amend your booking at any time if you stay within the 2h cancellation period.
PAYMENT OPTION: 1 Online Bank transfer
Please set up a bank transfer using your own online banking.
To do this select: CASH in TeamUp and I will reconcile your payment into the bank below of £45 with your TeamUp account.
Bank: Simone Dill (t/as Back on Track Running and Fitness)
Account: 74038124 Sort Code: 60-83-71
PAYMENT OPTION 2 Credit/Debit Card
Select: Credit/Debit Card to pay using your Debit or Credit card via Stripe using our integrated TeamUp payment system.
Its a safe and quick way to process your payment. Note: This payment option will inur extra card transaction fees to Back on Track.
See terms & conditions for more detail.
Thank you for considering joining Back on Track.
Terms and Conditions
This membership will entitle the purchaser to a partial or complete discount on event(s)/class(es) offered by the business. Some classes/events may be excluded from this membership. This membership cannot be refunded. Unless otherwise noted, this membership is non-transferable. See the details above for more information.