Olympic Weightlifting Beginners Course
The ultimate beginners package for learning the olympic lifts! This beginners course includes:
- 6 x 1-hour small group classes over 2 weeks (twice a week)
- 1-hour private PT session with a senior weightlifting coach
- your first regular class is included!
In this beginners course, we cover technique for both lifts - snatch and clean & jerk - every week. Each session we break down the movement and show you how to perform the movements efficiently.
We find that the twice-per-week format works better than once a week, as participants remember more and maintain momentum from session to session.
You'll be working in a small group with a senior weightlifting coach - and you'll even get a private 1-2-1 session with the coach to work on your own specific issues.
Once you've completed the course, you are invited to attend a class (price included) to experience regular weightlifting training.
This course is suitable for complete beginners, or those who have tried the olympic lifts and want to learn correct technique.
The course costs £275 including all 6 group sessions, 1 private PT session and first team class.