Block of 5 Qigong, Strength & Conditioning or Yoga classes
Begins on the date of the first registration. Valid for 8 weeks.
Buy a block of 5 classes and you can book into Qigong, Strength & Conditioning or Yoga.

Terms and Conditions

This 'Block of 5 classes' can be used to join any Qigong, Yoga or Strength & Conditioning. It is based on studio classes being offered during 48 weeks of the year as the clinic will be closed for 2 weeks over the Christmas period and for a further 2 weeks to be determined, at our discretion. We reserve the right to review and increase our block booking rates annually. Should you miss a class without having given at least 24 hours’ notice that you will be unable to attend, it will be deemed that you have taken that class. Your payment details will be securely stored in our system for the duration of the block of 5 classes in order that any repeat payments can be taken. Our Terms and Conditions apply to the block booking. These classes must be used within 8 weeks of purchasing.