Technique & Training

More Efficient, Effective and Ejoyable Swimming

These are 75-min sessions with a 30 – 45-min focus upon developing your technique for front crawl and open water swimming, and then a 30 – 45-min training session for endurance swimmers.

We have 4 lanes each with a pace range in them so swimmers are working with similar level swimmers. Lane paces are roughly:

3’00 – 2’30 per 100m pace - Group 1
2’30 – 2’00 per 100m pace - Group 2
2’00 – 1’45 per 100m pace - Group 3
1'30 - 1’45 per 100m pace - Group 4

Sessions are lead by Mark Pearce (Level 3 BTF coach) and assisted by Chris Hine (Level 3 Triathlon Coach) and Nick White.

To begin with, the course will be similar for each Group, faster swimmers will accomplish more repetitions or longer distances of the exercises though. However, as the course progresses each Group will continue to work on the areas that are most applicable, this is a slight departure from previous courses and allows more advanced swimmers to move on to more relevant areas.

During the Technique section of the course we will be covering:
- Correct breathing technique
- How to optimise your kick
- The importance of core control for body position and rotation
- How to achieve a higher body position in the water
- Why correct rotation is important
- Correct timing of your arms and legs
- What effective alignment means
- How to catch and hold more water
- How to sight effectively

In the Training section, we will be working on your fitness, with sessions including elements of:-
- Speed & Power,
- Aerobic endurance (Critical Swim Speed)
- Aerobic capacity (Vo2max)

The course runs from 6th October 2020 to 15th December (missing 20th October for half term in Leicestershire). This is 10-weeks.

More information available here.